They're Coming! (Soup)
Radar has detected multiple incoming threats. Hold them off until help arrives to protect your loved ones (and the rest of us!)
Long-range scanners detect...something. Keep the comms open for updates.
ControlsThe arrow keys (⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️) move you around the screen and (❎) shoots. Pause with the enter key (↩️)
RulesProtect us from the incoming threats! Hold them off until help arrives. Don't get hit.
Hitting meteors enough times will reveal weapon power ups.
Behind the ScenesCreating this game was an excuse to get familiar with game development for the PICO-8 fantasy console and the sense of urgency to get it over the line was the Basic Shmup Showcase game jam.
CreditsThe inspiration for this game came from the Lazy Devs Shmup tutorial. Thanks Krystman for your great video series!