Average Playtime: 6 hours

TRANSFORMERS: Fall of Cybertron

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Transformers™: Fall of Cybertron™ transports you to the final days of the planet Cybertron where you will experience the darkest hours of the apocalyptic war between the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS. Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey through a wide range of missions and massive environments designed around each character’s unique abilities. With the stakes higher than ever before, you play as a variety of Transformers characters, including Grimlock’s nearly indestructible T-Rex form and the legendary Combaticons forming into the colossal Bruticus. Fight through both sides of the Transformers’ most epic battles leading to their legendary exodus from their homeworld.
Transformers™: Fall of Cybertron™ allows you to go head-to-head as AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS with its multi-player online mode. Create your own personalized character and weaponry with the most advanced and in-depth customization ever before seen in a Transformers video game.

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows® XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom X3 8750
  • Memory: 2 GB system RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 8.4 GB Free Space
  • Video Card: GeForce 8800 GT series with 512 MB RAM or ATI Radeon HD 4850 with 512 MB RAM
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c or DirectX 10
  • Sound: DirectX compatible Sound card
  • Additional: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity. Internet connection required for activation.
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Last Modified: Mar 12, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox 360 Store
Xbox Store

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VGA Cinematic Trailer - Official Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Cinematic Video
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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron - Chapter 4: Eye of the Storm (Cliffjumper)
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Till All Are One - (Megatron Ending)
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Till All Are One - (Optimus Ending)
Completed Chapter XIII as Optimus
Combaticons Combine!
Completed Chapter VIII
Cut and Run
Completed Chapter V
Death from Above
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[2021] channel intro MV
Transformers The Fall of Cybertron - The Exodus - Showroom - PS3 Xbox360 PC
PB: 2:30:53 Transformers: FoC Any%+
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TRANSFORMERS: Fall of Cybertron reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
As a huge Transformers fan, I absolutely had to buy this Game. It was worth it. It's better than the Predecessor, even if I miss the two big Storysides. It's a fun Fun to shoot the enemy Bots over the Heap. Many Weapons (Old and New), many well-known Characters and many Guest Appearances (Bruticus, Grimlock, Metroplex, ...). Storymaking may not be long, but it invites you to Play again through the entertaining Action and collectable Tapes. So it is very convenient that you can select the Levels individually after one-time Graduated. The Multiplayer mode (COOP and other well-known Modes such as Teamdeathmatch) are entertaining. Especially the latter is very motivating by the Possibility to customize its Transformer down to The smallest Detail (Amored Core lets greet). Weapons and Robot Parts can be unlocked with EXP and Dots. Now to one Thing that bothered me a lot: DLC. Some Weapons (Offline), as well as some Parts (Online) are only available for real Money. While It's just optical Gimmicks and not a PayToWin, it's still disruptive. This Game is a first-class Shooter with few Weaknesses (DLC, lack of coverage feature), which can be crisply demanding. 8 out of 10 Points
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I write this recommendation as a shooter-fan rather than a transformers fan. The "neu fan" rezi comes at the M-GMC (Steam Group) as soon as I have the lust to do so. The Game tells the Story of the last 6 Days on Cybertron and leads to the flight Of Cybertron and I think after the End Credits would have to start the first Series from the 80s but I don't know because I'm too young to know that from TV ^^ graphic : The Unreal Engine 3 shows here what they can still play the game is visually not the upper hammer but who doesn't put much worth on graphic will be highly satisfied as in the first part. Sound: The Weapon sound is powerful and everywhere it crashes. The Votes are terrific thanks to OmU. The Soundtrack is also terrific, especially in the End Credits is the iconic "The Touch" by Stan Bush, which was also Used in the Transformers film of 1986 And all Saints Row 4 Fans know the Song eh;) Gameplay: The Game is a Third-person shooter so you wouldn't really need to say anything else, but thanks to the variety you should lose a lot of it here. First of all, there is no coverage system like e.g. in Mass Effect, but you also do not endure as much as eg in Part 1 i.e. blind pre-storm and make everything plattmedly is nich you have to go behind a Cover or proceed cleverly, although this also includes the coverage history with Includes;) In addition to the coverage history, there is a short sprint into one of the 4 known directions and of course the mode change (Transformers just:P). The special Thing about the Gameplay is the variety that this game offers. You play many different characters and all have special abilities that you have to use in the levels to advance and of course also offer tactical opportunities in the Fight. A Grab hook, a Camouflage mode or even the Short change of the Genre from TPS to Hack ' n ' Slay are just a few Examples. Conclusion: The center-in-feeling into a year-round civil War comes over very well and through the gameplay even non-transformers fans get full on their cost and for transformers fans it is a kind of revelation anyway ^^ so buy wenns vlt times cheaper is than for 6-8 h playing time is £50 too much for a non-fan
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