Treat or Die

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Treat or Die is a single player twin stick shooter where players take control of a vampire who must survive hordes of zombies and ghosts while collecting candy on Halloween night. They have access to a pumpkin that can shoot candy sweet enough to kill even the Undead and those in the afterlife.

The game features a singular stage where players must go from right to left with the WASD keys and the arrow keys to shoot. Aesthetically, the game's pixel art is reminiscent of games released during the Atari 2600 and NES eras with simple character models and backgrounds. How players maneuver around enemies while keeping their aim will be invaluable skills in order for them to complete their adventure.

Main Features

  • The game’s perspective is derived off of old-school twin stick shooters such as Smash TV and Robotron 2084.
  • The rules of the game work as such: Players must move from the right side of the screen to the left while dealing with hordes of zombies and ghosts. Once they reach the end of the neighborhood in the form of the roundabout, they will have to survive against those same enemies respawning from different corners of the street. Once all of the enemies are killed, players will then proceed to the left side of the roundabout, where the game will end here. However, if players get hit once at any point, they will get a game over and will have to restart the game in order to try again.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Treat or Die screenshot, image №2603937 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Nov 16, 2020

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