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Triennale Game Collection

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The Triennale Game Collection is a free virtual exhibition of video games created for the XXI Triennale International Exhibition by five of the world’s most renowned independent game designers, showcasing these artists’ experimental approach to interactivity.

The five featured artists are: Mario von Rickenbach and Christian Etter (Dreii, Plug & Play), Tale of Tales (The Path, Sunset, Luxuria Superbia), Cardboard Computer (Kentucky Route Zero), Pol Clarissou (Orchids to Dusk), and Katie Rose Pipkin (Mirror Lake). These games are self-contained takes at interactive narrative, puzzles, and exploration.

Over the past decade, more innovative games have been designed than in the previous thirty years of this medium – video games are now more than entertainment for kids or for video game enthusiasts, they reach the accessibility and cultural depth of film, music, and literature. The Collection presents the state of the art of the medium with a glimpse into the future, presenting the work of the most important and original international designers.

Produced by Santa Ragione (FOTONICA, MirrorMoon EP, Wheels of Aurelia)

Games descriptions:

[Game 1] Il Filo Conduttore by Mario von Rickenbach and Christian Etter (Switzerland), is a small story about about a cord, which hangs down from the top, overlooking a handful of delicately arranged objects.

[Game 2] LOCK by Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn (Tale of Tales, Belgium) is a small exploration of the universe, as previously imagined: based on cosmologies which place the Earth, and thus humans, at the center of the universe, Loci Omnes Caelesistis Kyries shifts between a simple diagram and a fascinating machine.

[Game 3] Neighbor by Jake Elliott, Tamas Kemenczy and Ben Babbitt (Cardboard Computer, USA). The crater is roughly sixty meters in diameter, rocky, hot in the daytime and cool at night, home to cacti that bears edible fruit.

[Game 4] A Glass Room by Pol Clarissou (France) showcases pictures and animated sequences from Pol Clarissou’s own life. The flickering photographs projected on virtual walls create a narrative that evolves as the player manipulates the device.

[Game 5] The Worm Room by Katie Rose Pipkin (USA) is a first-person exploration game which exists as a series of endless glass greenhouses that the player may wander through for the same reasons one visits a physical botanical garden; to walk, to take in beauty, to learn.
Release date
Cardboard Computer
Santa Ragione
Tale of Tales
Mario von Rickenbach
Etter Studio
Pol Clarissou
Katie Rose Pipkin
Santa Ragione, La Triennale di Milano
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.6.8
  • Processor: 2.0GHz CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512MB graphics card
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP3 +
  • Processor: 2.0GHz CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512MB graphics card
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12
  • Processor: 2.0GHz CPU
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512MB graphics card
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Sep 17, 2019

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1 edit
Triennale Game Collection - Trailer
Jun 16, 2016
Santa Ragione
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Triennale Game Collection reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Triennale Game Collection The Truth is that I have no words to describe this, because I do not know if calling it game, is an interactive experiment rather curious, but I do not think it is for anyone. PROS: It makes You hang out and without realizing You can end up playing hours AGAINST: There Is A level that can cause dizziness and another that can get scary to the point of causing you panic RATING: 7/10 deserves to give you a chance even though you personally , for me it is not a game as such. Here I leave my YouTube channel
Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
Now I understand that it is special like a videogame collection, a sense of sensory experience that must be accepted as such. It is Also free to try, note of merit that is not removed. Eppur, this fictitious virtual world provokes in me negative judgement. I Understand the dress from the experiment worn as necessary chiosa; If the purpose of the fun Ludo is though, I think here lacks something. To prevail in me, was bore, for tedium came unposed. Of The game, I thought, missed the whim and half an hour, got, of Sol torment. Between pretentious and intricate games I found myself, losing myself, to travel: from the subtle symbols sought that struggled to communicate, I tried to steal the meanings of that so vague and dumb talk. I Sought, among their folds, the interstitium that the meaning fulfilled gave, and propitious. To Follow there was no more reason: The game closed, I was searching in vain; And it's immediately uninstalling. Video games remain healthy The passion, despite the disappointment of the half hour that has gone.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
The Collection of Games with Triennial-a collection of 5 short, not even games, but art projects, with Triennial held as part of the Festival of Video games in Milan. The Gameplay here tends to zero, and the whole focus is on the creative thought of the authors. In The program itself there is:-a menuška resembling a professional presentation, than a Menushka. -5 art projects, each of which can be viewed in minutes for 3, and it is impossible to pass at all, because they are not passable in principle. For example, in one game we are endlessly moving through a changing greenhouse, in another we pull the cord and change the still life. -Each game is made by its own slave, the site of which can be found in the links, in the description of each game. At the same time "well-known" developers, by and large known only to connoisseurs, can be except for Tale of Tales, who developed and we-"Tropu. A Terrible tale, "she is the Path of Steam. As a result: hesitated to put a finger up or down, but decided yet upwards, because as a peculiar reflection of the creative expression of modern indie-razslaves, the collection is interesting. But for the game, it is worth to choose something else, because here is not about the gameplay, but about another.
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