Tsugi no Medium PROLOGUE
This story revolves around Ikuro - an ordinary citizen of NIGHTFALL-04, lonely and miserable. He still doesn't have a family or a circle of close friends, but he's chock full of bad habits. It seems like nothing can change this status quo, but...
Due to unforseen circumstances, Ikuro has to move into a new apartment, where he's met by the cheerful voice of HUMI - a modern generation home interface. From this day on, Ikuro's life starts going in a completely unexpected direction.
"Everybody wants to find their place under the sun. However, this city hasn't seen any sun for years."
This game was originally written in Russian, this is a translated version of it.
Also, be sure to check out my previous visual novel called "Daiku no Medium"!
Feel free to leave feedback, it means a lot to me!
You can contact me here:
Discord server: https://discord.gg/bShFPsg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nkt_krkv
Full soundtrack from the game.