Two Maniacs
"Two Maniacs" is a supernatural horror game developed by ZeroDigitZ. The game takes place in a fictional town that goes into lockdown after an elusive serial killer begins picking off the residents one by one.
You can choose between two different character who have unique abilities. Each character will give you a different perspective on the events that take place during the killing spree.
It is recommended to play from both characters perspective to fully understand the story and to find the missing details that were absent in the other characters chapter.
Arlo is a detective who is trying to track down the killer before he strikes again. He will have to rely on his special powers if he hopes to catch the elusive serial killer.
Tess is a young woman who begins a frantic search to find her best friend after learning that she may be in danger. Her search will lead her to some shocking and disturbing events in the small town called Rock Hill.
Genre: Horror/Mystery
Endings: Multiple
Game Length: 1 Hour 30 mins (45 mins per chapter)
Warnings: Religion, Profanity, Blood/Gore, Violent and Disturbing Scenes
■ Main Theme ■
■ Tension ■
Arlo Chapter 1 Good Ending
Tess Chapter 1 Good Ending
Tess Chapter 1 Bad Ending
There is also a hidden ending. Play the game to see if you can find it.
It is recommended to download the game for a better experience.