Untitled Goo Game
How to Play:
1. Download files.
2. Extract and launch executable.
Press Left Shift to enter Aim Mode.
Hold down Space to get more jump force.
Use the mouse to aim and look around
Press R to restart the level.
Daniel Gutierrez - Programmer and Audio.
Conan Truong - Programmer.
Kevin Huang - Programmer, UI Design, and Art.
Santiago Morales - Art.
Cole Medley - Level Design, Production.
Brandon Nguyen - Level Design, Audio, and Production.
Jay Bernstein - Music.
SFX - "Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com and GameDev Market RPG Humble Bundle".
Music - "Music obtained from GameDev Market RPG Humble Bundle".
Art - "Art obtained from bart - OpenGameArt.org and GameDev Market RPG Humble Bundle".
Textures - "Textures obtained from Unity Asset Store 'Skybox Series Free', 'Stylize Water Texture,' and '10 Texture Sets 'Industrial 02.'"