Untitled Quarantine Game
- Hook people with black particles(Means infected) to transfer them to quarantine zone. After getting recovered, Click on the patient to enter a mini-game, Complete to release the patient to the field.
To win:
- ALL people must be wearing mask.
- 0 people inside the Quarantine Zone.
- 0 infected people.
If the infected people count exceeds half of the population. You lose. Will Restart Automatically.
Space - Toggle Hook mode
LMB - To perform hook, stop infecting, or enter mini-game.
Arrow Keys - For mini-game in Quarantine Zone
Tab - Open shop
F1 - Transition to Hook Field
F2 - Transition to Quarantine Zone
Blue Outline - Hook
Dark Grey Outline - Stop Infecting
Light Grey Outline(Quarantine Zone) - Enter mini-game
Hooking infected people, Stopping infected people from infecting, winning mini-game will grant you points to buy for Mask, Bed, Doctor.
Mask - Prevents people from getting infected by the air.
Bed - Increases quarantine zone capacity.
Doctor - Speeds up recovery of patients in Quarantine Zone.
By: Team Grim Turkeys