VAT - Very Astonishing Tubs
"Welcome to Work, Bob! Here at VAT-enterprises we value the hard work required to keep our customers alive" - W. Bufflet, CEO VAT-Enterprises
Bob is just a man, but with his occupation comes great responsibility. Help him maintain the dreamful state customers are suspended in. The VATs (Very Astonishing Tubs) are magnificent peices of scientific equipment - they can prolong the lenght of life by a quite intricate telomerase switch - but sadly no one though about providing its dwellers food and entertainment. Hence the need for Bob - and you as a player - to provide the customers with these needs. They sure did pay for it.
VAT (Very Astonishing Tubs) was made in under 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 46 "Keep it alive" game jam.
Apple OS and Linux versions have not been tested, hopefully they work. Give them a try and let me know!