Veromir: Post Mortem
How has it come to this? A battle against the forces of Kath-Vanor whittled down to a perpetual duel between two men. What good could come of such failure?
Discover the mystery of the aftermath of the battle of the Order of Sterling Light against the forces of Kath-Vanor, and reclaim your brotherhood so that doom may not befall your home and that your sacrifice be not in vain.
This game was made for the Wowie Game Jam 3.0 hosted by Jonas Tyroller. Our theme was "progress through failure" which we tried to convey using the discovery of the game's story. Let us know in the comments if you were able to figure out the mystery of what happened to the hero, why he keeps returning, and what you think ultimately happens to the land of Veromir.
We made the characters and sound effects ourselves, and made color changes to the tileset we used from Open Game Art.
WASD to move
E to heal (Unlock after final death)
LMB to attack
RMB to block
SPACE to dash (Unlock after 2nd death)
ESC to quit (Standalone version only of course)
Extract .zip file and run :)
Music from
"Night Vigil" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (