Very annoying Pong
Note #1: The two single player modes are last-minute additions and not as polished as the multiplayer. Play with a friend for the intended experience.
Note #2: As our audio guy's reliability is quite unstable, we don't have any audio.
Pong, but the ball is unstable and randomly changes its color.
If the ball is the color of your platform, you can deflect it like in normal Pong. However, if it is the color of your opponent, you need to parry the ball by pressing the parry button before the collision, otherwise your opponent gets a point.
There are a few items that spawn randomly for even more chaos.
Also, you can teleport.
Player 1 Controls:
Move: W/S
Parry: D
Teleport: A
Player 2 Controls:
Move: Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Parry: Arrow Left
Teleport: Arrow Right
Pause: Esc
Game Modes:
- Multiplayer: play against a friend with random item spawns
- Singleplayer: play against a very very stupid AI with random item spawns
- Wall Mode: no items, no opponents, just you and a big ass wall