Average Playtime: 2 hours

Void Monsters: Spring City Tales

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Hoping to escape your destiny as a monster trainer you left the home of your famous parents to find your own way in the world.

Within two years of leaving home your parents had been murdered and now you've been called back to inherit their failing farm.

With the farm heavily in debt to the bank, and with a burning desire to find and kill your parents' murderer the only option is to take up the mantle of monster trainer and the destiny you tried so hard to escape.

  • A huge open world to explore.
  • Nearly 100 unique monsters to collect, train, and evolve.
  • Choose from 10 playable characters.
  • A dynamic economy influenced by your choices.
  • Break into, and steal from, any house, shop, or warehouse.
  • A massive crafting system with hundreds of craftable items.
  • Hundreds of quests including an immense main storyline.
  • Multiple ways to proceed and complete the game.
  • 40 hours of scripted gameplay and the chance to play on indefinitely!
  • A battle arena to challenge other monster trainers.
  • Breed goats on your farm for milk, to craft battle cheeses and magical yogurts.
  • An advanced weapon and armour socketing system.

Open World
Spring City Tales is set in The Prosperous Freehold: an area consisting of three distinct biomes. Spring City and the Marshland, the deserts of Blackroot, and the frozen wastes of Leskova. From the game's outset you can set off along your own path, exploring the world as you see fit.Collectable Monsters
In a shadow-world parallel to The Freehold, live the Void-Monsters. These creatures can be dangerous but are kept in check by both the Rune Temples and monster trainers. As a monster trainer you can collect runes to summon these monsters from beyond the void, train them up, and get them to fight for you! There are nearly a hundred known monsters with more being discovered every day!Dynamic Economy
In The Freehold there are two financial powers. The Bank and The Purchasing Guild. The Bank loans money to many of the families that live their while The Purchasing Guild buys locally crafted items to export. Helping Kat, paying off loans, and supporting causes will improve the local economy, which in turn increases the payout for selling items to the Purchasing Guild. However it will also increase interest rates, making both your loans, and other Kats harder to pay off. Theft, violence, and general skuldugery will weaken the local economy, having the opposite effect!Thievery
Once the Kat have gone to bed, out come the thieves! By crafting thief tools you can choose to break into any house, warehouse, or shop and steal from them. Sometimes this may be for a quest or perhaps you are just looking for some extra gold. So long as you stay quiet you can make a lot of extra gold, but should you make too much noise the guards will come and you could end up spending your valuable time in prison!Crafting
There are thirteen unique crafting skills each with their own levelling system. Craft yogurts, cheeses, armours, bows, axes, weapon components, tonics, potions, thief tools, fairy eggs, magical gems, glass items, oils, and more! Grow crops and forage monsters for ingredients. Become an expert in a single field and make thousands of gold!Questing
As the child of famous monster trainers your return has excited many people. Each morning you will get a visit from the postman bringing quests of all sorts: everything from the mundane worries of local Kat, monster hunts, thievery requests, begging letters, and quests so fantastical they will take you into strange and magical realms. There is also the matter of finding you parents' killer and avenging their death! Of course, all quests are non compulsory!
Release date
Mykel Flynn
Mykel Flynn
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Nvidia GeForce 8000, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OSX 10.10 or better
  • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Compatible OpenGLR
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu or equivalent
  • Processor: 1.2 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Void Monsters: Spring City Tales reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
It's not a visually beautiful Game and I have a strong Aversion to these JRPG Pokémon fights, in the Beginning I was about to uninstall the Game again. That doesn't sound flattering at first, why did I stick with it? We have an incredible amount of Content on offer for five Euros. I even got it in the Sale and am blown away by how much I am offered for my three Euros. There are Tons of Quests that don't reinvent the Wheel, but still offer refreshingly new Elements-for example, all Residents have individual Names and live in numbered Houses! Quests are conveniently passed by the Postman on a daily basis, sometimes it is only necessary to Visit the Questers to collect the Reward. This is very comfortable compared to the classic System, where you have to run off the whole Village to find Quests. Some have a Time Limit, but so far it has worked out well with me to solve the urgent Quests first and when There is air, the unlimited ones. There are three big Cities, each Area has its own Monsters and a unique Design. Although the World Map is an Item that needs to be activated awkwardly from the Inventory (here I recommend photographing the Maps as well as certain Information for quests with your Mobile Phone so that you can watch them in parallel and not have to call them in the Game), the numbered Houses, however, make it much easier to Find the Questers. "Pokémon" (Void Monsters) are summoned via a Rune System in Temples, instead of classically captured in Combat-and there are unjust many! Unfortunately, they have the Shortcoming of being kotzabugly again, but you have to be able to get over it. So far, I only like Baastabmeow, a Persian Cat with a Pike;) Void Monsters can wear Equipment such as Weapons, Collars and some Helmets, and learn New combat Skills through special Items. There are Tons of good Reasons to make Money. For one thing, our Character has been inherited a horrendous Debt sum from Parents (around 50000), which rises every game day through Interest and is not allowed to reach over 100000 because that Means game Over. But the Increase is bearable, it doesn't stop you from Exploring the Game world. The Debt increased with me by about 1000 Gold per Day and By Depositing money into the Bank You can buy yourself more Time. There is quite a tempting Theft system. At Night all houses can be looted, you just must not be caught. Castles is an exceptionally not annoying Mini-name, but one that can be managed very successfully with a little Concentration. There are 13 different Craft skills to master, in addition to the Fights we can (and should) breed Goats that become Mythical Animals at higher Levels, Gardening, brewing Potions, tinkering equipment and improving with Gems and the Debts of those Around us Also pay off to weaken the Influence of our Nemesis. The Story is unusual and certainly offers many Hours of varied Adventures!
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