VoidSpoken is an action-packed, single-player adventure set in a dystopian future on Earth. The planet has been overrun by an enigmatic entity known as the Void, and it's up to you to fight back as an elite warrior in the order of warp knights known as a VoidSpoken.
You'll embark on a dangerous mission to investigate a distress signal coming from a human bastion that has been taken over by the Void. Separated from your fellow warp knights, you'll need to navigate your way through the dark and treacherous landscape, fighting off hordes of Void creatures and completing objectives to restore order to Fort Lendrith.
To progress in the game, you'll need to charge up the obelisks by defeating enemies in waves. These obelisks act as gateways, unlocking access to new areas of the game and revealing new challenges to overcome. As you progress, you'll encounter tougher and more cunning enemies, and you'll need to use all of your skills and weapons to defeat them.
With its immersive storyline, challenging gameplay, and stunning visuals, VoidSpoken is an action-adventure game that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Can you restore order to Fort Lendrith and defeat the Void once and for all? Play VoidSpoken and find out!