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STAR WARS Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

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Dark Forces™ set the industry standard for first person action in the Star Wars® universe. Now Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II picks up where the award-winning game left off...with even more features and firepower in dazzling 3D graphics. As Kyle Katarn, you must acquire the lightsaber and learn the ways of the Force to become a Jedi Knight. Confront old foes... Greedo, Boosk, stormtroopers. And new enemies... seven dark Jedi who plan to harness the power of an ancient burial ground for unsurpassed evil. But take heart, your 10 weapon arsenal and over 12 Force powers make you a force to be reckoned with.
Single or multiplayer gameplay over modem, network or Internet. 9 multiplayer levels
All new realistic 3D environments with animated 3D characters in 21 heart-stopping levels
Encounter seven dark jedi, each possessing unique powers
Compatible with many 3D graphics cards
Intense Star Wars action in an all-new story fraught with danger and adventure - do you take the quick and easy path as Darth Vader did or do you take the patient route to Jedi Knighthood?
If you choose the light side:
Train to become a Jedi Knight - master the elegant Lightsaber and learn four special apprentice abilities
Use exclusive light side powers: healing, persuasion (for the weak-minded), blinding and absorption
Or be tempted by the dark side:
Use your Jedi Knight training and apprentice abilities to become an agent of evil
Use exclusive dark side powers: the grip (used if there's a disturbing lack of faith), Force throw, energy bolts and destruction

Release date
LucasArts Entertainment
Disney Interactive, LucasArts Entertainment
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 2000, XP or Vista
  • Processor: Pentium 90
  • Memory: 16 MB
  • Graphics: DirectX
  • DirectX®: DirectX 5.2 or higher
  • Hard Drive: 700 MB
  • Sound: 16-bit sound card
  • Multiplayer: 8 players IPX or TCP/IP. Pentium 133

  • Note: Due to the age of the title, users may run into a few compatibility issues from use of current hardware. Please see the forums for more information.
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Last Modified: Mar 23, 2025

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Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 PC Game Review
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STAR WARS Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II reviews and comments

Falls victim to the same problems of the first Dark Forces: repetitive level design, few enemy types, boring weapons. Not worth it as a historical curiosity since it's just Quake with pew-pew lasers, not worth it as a Star Wars story since there are novelizations, and not even necessary to catch up on Jedi Outcast since the story is so bland and disconnected.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
For every star wars fan a must for the age of the games is the graphics quite acceptable a large and varied game world with about 10 std gameplay what makes this game so great are E.G. small Puzzles or secret Gears that you will find in part MUST To get further, as well as light-sword fights where the bosses are also especially at the beginning some power levels above you. In addition, you also have to decide for the light or dark side-> by sparing the Inhabitants or using the Power Skills that you then choose, which then also influences your Fighting Style very much
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Microsoft from French
Before Jedi Outcast, there was Jedi Knight 1 (or dark forces II, you see). Scenically, it is the one where Kyle Katarn, mercenary hero of dark force, discovers his affinity with strength and does not rest only on the guns but also on his sword and his powers. It is a sympathetic F.P.S. in the universe of SW period universe extended, understand after the return of the Jedi, and forget the fan film of Jean-Jacques Abrams, completely inconsistent (it blows me in the headset that it is this film that is Canon and the whole universe extended good to throw after DIsney, hahaha what a mess this guy in the headset). You are basically going to fight Jerrec, a force user with a nasty penchant for the dark side, who would be able to take over the Emperor's acting job. Your goal is to show him that he does not have the qualifications required for the post. This F.P.S. includes a part of RPG because you can earn powers you choose (light and/or bright side). It's not bad to enrich the gameplay, because added to all the weapons already present in dark forces it makes quite a lot of possibilities to degummer the Sith. And now the subject is angry: it's aged. The game suffers from the syndrome of the first games in full 3D. It's angular, ugly and full of clipping. Even if today you can smooth it artificially pure our modern brumug resolutions, a super fine Reso will not hide a muddy texture in low def. The other concern: maneuverability, gameplay, has been badly aged. The wasd feeling is still not there, the keys config for the powers will probably leave you dubitative and require to seriously put your hands in the sludge for an acceptable comfort. Finally, maybe the habit of playing the old F.P.S., but it seems to me today easy, less than ten hours to see the end, knowing that in addition it is under the traditional formula of doom-like, i.e. not corridors scripted way call of battle, but many maze where navigation will force you to look and think a bit (keys, switches etc.). Conclusion: rusted Yes, unquestionably rustic, but indispensable to the true fans of SW (Yes, those who have seen that force awakens is POO).
I can’t say this game aged well. I appreciate that it was made during the classic LucasArt period but today this game is history, not a playable and enjoyable title. The main problem is with uncomfortable controls (press X to jump, for example) and inability to implement GPU support on Windows 10. So I think, two decades ago this game was really great but today we have much more better titles to play. If you’re curious though, buy it on sale and try.
Some people just don’t understand that games released 20 years ago can have some problems. So yes, Dark Forces II acquires additional treatment to work, you need mods but they are already done, so you can find them on Internet, on Steam, if you want to play the game. As for me, it’s one of my favorite games. Here you can finally choose what force powers you need and you’ll be rewarded for finding secrets on levels. I think, it’s great. And the fact that 20 years after people still modify the game and play it proves it the best.
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