Average Playtime: 2 hours

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

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New students are arriving at Jedi Academy on distant Yavin IV but unknown enemy shots down their shuttle. As soon-to-be Jedi approach the Academy on foot they stumble upon two stormtroopers and Dark Jedi that seems to be the reason for the calamity.
The game is the sequel to Jedi Outcast and a part of the series of Jedi Knight RPGs from Raven Software. It continues the tradition of sparkling third-person action gameplay adding new stuff to destroy, new missions to complete and vehicles to drive. A player is granted an opportunity to create own character, customize its appearance, choose lightsaber and learn the way of The Force.

Jedi Academy heavily emphasizes its multiplayer capabilities: there are more than 20 arenas and 6 different play modes to fight your friends and foes that keep gamers playing it even today more than a decade after its release. At its heart is modified Quake III Arena Engine and through the years the game gathered around itself a unique community of fans that mods the jack out of their beloved Jedi Academy.

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 2000, XP or Vista
  • Processor: Pentium II or Athlon 450 MHz
  • Memory: 128 MB
  • Graphics: 32 MB OpenGL compatible
  • DirectX®: 9.0a
  • Hard Drive: 1.3 GB
  • Sound: 16 bit Direct x 9.0a
  • Multiplayer Requirements: Pentium II or Athlon 450MHz

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion), 10.9.5 (Mavericks), 10.10.5 (Yosemite), 10.11.6 (El Capitan), 10.12 (Sierra)

  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (Dual-Core), 2.2 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Graphics: 256 MB, (NVidia): Geforce 8800, (ATI): Radeon HD 2600, (Intel): HD 3000
  • Hard Drive: 2 GB
  • Peripherals: Macintosh mouse and keyboard

    NOTICE: The following video chipsets are unsupported by Jedi Academy
    • Intel Integrated GMA 950/X3100
    • ATI RADEON HD 2400
    NOTICE:This game is not supported on volumes formatted as Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive)

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox

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Last Modified: Feb 12, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
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Nintendo Store
Xbox 360 Store
App Store

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    Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy reviews and comments

    The best lightsaber fencing game in the «STAR WARS» universe.

    To date, there is no better game in this genre. After 16 years, it's very nice playing. The story and gameplay is top notch. For fans of multiplayer, it will be a pleasant surprise that the servers are not empty and there is always a duelist. Duels in this game is a special event! Sparring can drag on for several minutes.

    Highly recommended.
    «Blew my mind»
    One of the best lightsaber combat in video games.
    «Better with friends»
    «Beaten more than once»
    I loved this game for its simple yet intense story and amazing lightsaber combat mechanics. Jedi abilities didn't felt all that good, but the combat with lightsaber was exceptional.

    It has not too much replayability, because story-wise is not too complex, but it felt so good to finish it the first time.

    Have to say that it aged really well being an old game.
    Translated by
    Microsoft from Deutsch
    So... I've been thinking for a long time about how to build the Review to this Game, but I think I'm trying to keep myself short. So, first of all my personal Opinion: This Game is one of the best Games of all Time. And I mean by that at all, not just in the Star Wars Territory. And it is also not for nothing the Game, the Continuation of which I have been waiting for 15 Years and will probably have to wait further and further. I also have more than 2 Hours of Play, as I have played without Steam before. In total, I played through the Game around 20 Times. Story in Short The Player takes on the Role of Jaden Korr. Jaden is powerfully sensitive and gets an Education in Luke's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. (Anyone who wonders what this is: That's what happened in the EU Before you thought to yourself that you'd rather portray Luke as a Child Killer.) Tavion, on the other Hand, known from Jedi Outcast as Desann's Schoolgirl, taps into Power at the Temple right away. Under Kyle Katarn and Luke'S Supervision, one progresses in his Training, followed by 1-2 Twists, until one finally finally faces Tavion. But the End is not clear, because you have a Key Sequence in the Game where you can decide whether to fight for the light or dark side of the Force, which also affects the Outcome of the Story and the Final Battle. What Tavion is up to with the Power energy, I'm not going to reveal. Graphic The younger Generation will probably talk about the fact that you can hardly look at it, but I think that as game still looks good today. But I cannot say Much about the Subject. With a little Trick you also get a wide screen resolution, but you can quickly find that on the Internet. Gameplay As mentioned above, you can experience Jaden Korr's Training as a Jedi. If you Start a new Game, you can first determine the Difficulty. After that, you get into the character editor. There you can define Species and Gender of Kaden. Man, Rodian, Twi 'lek, Plus the skin Color and clothing That the Character is supposed to wear in the Game. After that, you can assemble your Lightsaber. Actually, you just set the Handle and the Color, from both there is a great Selection. After the Tutorial you can choose your Missions. These lead to places known to many and sometimes unknown. Tatooine, Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa or even a Visit to Vader's Fortress on Vjun. In between, missions come along that push the Story further. However, even the "Side Missions" always have their own small Act and never get boring, because there is always a new Goal. Sometimes you have to defuse a Bomb on a moving Train, then again recover a Droid from the Clutches of the Jawas and Tusks, or track down and face an imperial Dealer. After the Missions, one is then free to decide which Power one wants to improve. There are some who are "natural" and automatically get better over time, such as the Leap in power, the Sword defence, Etc. This is followed by bright and dark Power Forces. Healing, Protection, Lightning and Stranglehold, for Example, which can be improved three Times each. If you shoot a short Flash at The Opponent At Lightning Level 1, you can unleash a Lightning Thunderstorm from your Hands at Level 3 like the Emperor personally. You can learn The dark Kräftec even if you still want to stay on the bright Side. That's how you can adapt to your Style of Play. If you go far enough in the Story, what I've always missed in Star Wars Games before comes: You're allowed to build a new Lightsaber, and then you're also allowed to decide whether you're just leading one, two Hoverers or a double-sided Lightsaber alla Darth Maul Want what also affects the Fighting Style. Multiplayer Honestly, I don't know if it still works today. Multiplayer Mode offers normal Game Modes such as Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch or Free for All. All sorts of Things can be set, such as "no Power Juices" or "Lightsaber only." Conclusion I myself am really a very big Fan of the entire Jedi Knight series, this Part is for me playfully just a great Masterpiece, especially because there are no flashy Bugs, the Game has never crashed me and it offers a great Lightsaber Fight that plays its way up and on the action. I really, really much hope that my Desire for a Sequel will not always remain an Airlock.
    Great: Multiplayer mode
    Awful: Difficulty and balance (should the final confrontation be this easy?)
    Total: Jedi Knight Outcast still much much better.
     It’s my favorite Star Wars game just because I actually feel like a Jedi here. Yes, the plot is not as deep as in JK Outcast but the gameplay was improved and the multiplayer mode here is awesome. It’s nice to see familiar places from the original trilogy too.
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