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Final DOOM

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Final DOOM is a first-person shooter, a stand-alone expansion for the 1994 game DOOM II: Hell on Earth.


The gameplay of Final DOOM is identical to previous games in the series. It consists of 32 levels (in PC version).
In each one, your goal is to find an exit from the level. It usually intends finding keys from multi-colored doors and fighting hordes on the demon. The player has access to different weapons such as a chainsaw, pistol, shotgun, and rocket launcher. There are many types of enemies in the game that vary in size, attacks, speed, amount of health from zombies and imps to huge cyberdemons and skeletons with rocket launchers on their shoulders. Aside from weapons, the player can use different weapons scattered throughout the map. Some of them replenish your health, ammo, and armor, and the other gives you temporary bonuses like increased damage, short-time invincibility acid resistance or invisibility. The levels are filled with secret rooms. Finding them is entirely optional but can significantly help by giving you new weapons early or providing with items and ammunition.

Final DOOM differences

Final DOOM is essentially a collection of new maps divided into two packs: TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment. Different level designers outside ID Software created each pack. The game is noticeable for its hard difficulty that surpasses the level of two previous games.

Release date
id Software
Williams Entertainment
Casali brothers
id Software, GT Interactive Software, GT Interactive, SoftBank, Williams Entertainment, GT Interactive Software Europe
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PlayStation

System requirements for PC

Minimum: A 100% Windows XP/Vista-compatible computer system

System requirements for Classic Macintosh

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Last Modified: Jan 11, 2025

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Final DOOM reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Am somewhat exavesdropping. The Windows 95 Version had a super Start menu for Level/Episode selection, Difficulty and the Option for Multiplayer. Here you have to go for the Multiplayer-which is currently doing a lot of Fun in the last Plutonia levels ultra-first the cumbersome way away that is described in some Internet Forums. All in all, Cult!
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Microsoft from Spain
Final DOOM | TNT: It Is A totally great modification with your maps that leave you wanting more and MORE! , with form advances in the maps I complain about nothing about them, the way to get weapon, the challenges, the position of the monsters in the areas of the maps and the secrets are placed in a magic and memorable way, so much that I liked more than DOOM 2 , I recommend to 100% buy it and play first DOOM Final | Tnt. Final DOOM | Plutonia: It'S ugly.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Final Doom is a good Game that waits for you with two Missions. TNT Evilution has a good Level design that waits for you with some Tricks, but can also annoy in some Places, as it is very winding in a few Maps. The Music of the Maps reproduces the Atmosphere in some Places, even if You never reach the Quality of Final Doom for the Playstadion. The Level Of difficulty on Ultra Violence is a bit more difficult than Doom 2. The Plutonia experiment is another Matter. The Level design is also great and comes up with many interesting Ideas at the Time. The Music of the Maps has been taken over By Doom 1 and 2. The Level of Difficulty Is the worst there is on Ultra-Violence and also provides more Excitement.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Deutsch/English "Review" Don't be stupid like me and buy it thinking it would be an enhanced version of Doom II, like The Ultimate Doom is. It is not. Doom II isn't available even in German stores (though I heard that it is included in the Doom 3 BFG Edition), probably because of the secret Wolfenstein Level, which is just incredibly stupid ... but it still doesn't explain why Witches and Heretic aren't availabe in German stores either. But it still is Doom, so yeah. If you're going to buy it though, be sure to get GZDoom. Don't Be as clutch as I am and think this is an improved Version of Doom II, in the Manner of The Ultimate Doom. After All, it is not. Doom II is not even available in the German Steamstore (However, I have heard that the Doom 3 BFG Edition has Doom II) ... Probably because of the Extra-Wolfenstein Level, which is really ridiculous ... Would not explain, however, Where Witches and Heretic remained. (Keys, however, are on greenmangaming ... But I have no Idea if this is safe and so, as I still have little Idea about such things.) However, this "level pack" is still Doom. If you want to get it at the end of the day, then be sure to Get GZDoom unless you are a total Purist.
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