Waikino Gold

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Waikino Gold is a simulation city builder set in the late 1800’s New Zealand gold rush. Clear forest, build road and rail, pan rivers, prospect mountains and expand your mining operation across the map. 

Waikino Gold was made in 48 hours as part of a game jam. We are the Pixel Barons,  New Zealand based game developers with an passion for retro games and an interest in history. The ItchIo version adds three extra maps that weren't in the jam version, all based on real world locations, bringing the total playable maps to seven! This version of the game is available to download for free below.  Currently, the game is endless and is best played as a relaxing deforestation simulator, the gameplay also has puzzle energy leveraging layout and placement. In the future we would like to expand on this game further.


  • Gold and Workers are the recourses used to construct buildings.
  • Buildings will have an effect of wellbeing (-&+ icons displayed as bar in-game)
  • Wellbeing will effect the rate at which buildings produce recourses.

Tech Tree & Tips

  • Workers increase by constructing housing. They upgrade when they are near amenities improving wellbeing.
  • Tents upgrade to shacks with a  water tower and soup kitchen.
  • Tents upgrade to shacks near water tower + soup kitchen. Shacks upgrade to cottages when also near a pub + doctor.

All Buildings must be placed next to a road and cannot be destroyed, so plan your operation carefully!

  • Panning stations are a cheaper alternative to mining and must be placed next to river tiles to operate.
  • The amount of gold in a mine is revealed by constructing a prospector next to a gold hill. It must touch, 
  • It is important to prospect the site for signs of gold before investing in a mine. It could be empty.
  • Hotels by comparison to houses, don't give set population but will provide a  trickle of workers when population is low.

Manage your rails and roads carefully, as they cannot cross or overlap! 

  • The primary way to obtain gold is mining. Gold mines must be placed on top of a gold hill.
  •  The gold hill must be connected to a train station via rail before the goldmine can be constructed.

Goodluck prospectors! Let us know if you would like to see the game expanded. Cheers mate!
Release date
Pixel Barons
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 4, 2022

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