White cats in the Assbyss
Firstly, thanks for reading this page.
This is not a complete version. This version is to join the godot game jam.
I'm working for the complete version now.
The asset, audio belong to their proper owners. (Some of the assets/audio are CC0, others are Attribution License)
The code is under MIT license. Finit State Machine plugin in the Asset Lib.
I'm going to sleep.
I already wake up and update this description.
Credit: Thanks to the kind people below's assets I could make this game.
- Graphics:
dogchicken - opengameart
Luis Zuno (@ansimuz) - opengameart
- Musics:
skymary - freesound.org
Matvej - freesound.org
levelclearer - freesound.org
This is the version to join the godot game jam with theme: TEMPERATURE
I'm gonna make a better version to join the weekly jam.
Theme explain: when player get down their temperature reduce. The deeper you go, the colder you get.
Thanks Godot Community Game Jam for creating such a prettyyyyyyyyyy jam!
Note: I change the player jump speed too low if you use the source you can it to 400.
It's a mistake! It's my fault. I'm sorry
At someglobalvar.gd => JUMPSPEED to 400.