Work From Home Dad
You recently lost your job and now have to stay at home and find a new way to earn a paycheck to feed you and your daughter. Buy new gear to improve your streaming prowess and raise your followers to earn more cash. If you go into debt, or reach 3 strikes (leaving your daughter crying to much and/or letting the living room get too messy for too long).
Move the mouse cursor to the sides of the screen to move the camera. Click on the computer, broom or your daughter to move your character and press the upgrades button to purchase new stuff. You must stream as long as possible to eran money, and you must buy upgrades to get more followers. More followers, more money will be earned at the end of the day.
Design: Raul Blanco.
Illustration: Paola Rodriguez.
Programming: Juliana Montes and Nicolas Trillos.
Team Moogles.