Zombie Plague
This is a one-man-developed-game and I'm testing the idea.
Basically, you are with 5(offline) other bots and one of you will suddenly become a zombie. Zombies has to kill all humans before 15 min, and humans has to survive or kill all zombies.
When you are human:
- Hotkey "1","2,","3", throw grenades.
- Hotkey "Q" switch weapons.
- Hotkey "E" place a laser or pick up items.
- You can refill ammo, laser and grenades when you find one on the ground.
When you are zombie:
- Hotkey "1" is a velocity booster.
- Hotkey "2" makes you invulnerable for 3 secs.
Note that this game was built to play online, but it has a offline version with a poorly done AI.
To join a online session, enter on a VPN like Hamachi or RadminVPN with your friend then someone should host. Then the other should just click "Join Local Session"!
Please, if you play let your impressions and comments.
You may found bugs.