Zone of exlusion (PBTA)
Rather compact, PBTA ttrpg inspired by the "Roadside picnic", "Stalker", "Metro" and other similar fiction.
Players take on the roles of stalkers who roam the Zone, in search for strange artifacts and a vague promise, of fullfilling their wishes.
Though it is based on PBTA games, the game has few major diffrences in terms of "traditional" PBTA games, mainly:
-There is no "playbooks", but rather a list of talents available to all PC's.
-As a result of that, the damage, is linked to the weapons and not the playbooks.
Furthermore, the game is intended to be grittier and more "realistic" than your usual PBTA games. Also, the full ruleset is only 23 pages long (at the moment), which is also not standart for the most games)
Any feedback, comments, ideas, repost or coverage on the internet, would be appreciated.