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Nintendo Direct 9.13.2018

Comment from iBarin

Just WOW! This Nin. Direct just jaw-dropping. I know: Indie-port mashine, crazy prices, dumb services — but did you see all this GAMES?! 
I thought I never could touch FF7 coz it will take so much time. But on handheld with ability to turnoff console any second I guess it's really beatable.
Also CivVI, plus Katamari and bunch of tabletop games like Carcassonne! Feels like if Nintendo showed this list at E3 they could win it.

Are you hyped? Maybe some games caught YOUR attention?
Michael Rybakov
There are a lot of things. Cool.
Serge Ulankin
Finally saw it. One of the best and most packed announcement videos this year. Tons of interesting titles and constant upgrades for popular games. And always something nice extra like new controllers, bundles, etc. Can't be disappointed about Nintendo this year.