Celeste é o maior exemplo de que jogos indies podem ter tanta qualidade ou até mais do que jogos triple-A. Começando pela parte técnica, a trilha sonora é PERFEITA, os sprites e as animações também não ficam para trás. A história é muito boa, cheia de metáforas que vão desde habilidades, até mesmo à PREMISSA DO JOGO, retratando também muitos temas interessantes e com uma lição linda. Além disso, o level design é impecável, sendo difícil mas sempre justo, para não falar que a jogabilidade é tão bem feita que torna-se satisfatório e os efeitos sonoros e música ajudam nisso e na imersão do jogo. Por fim, os diálogos, que na sua maioria são bem escritos e tudo isso graças aos personagens super carismáticos, eu amo o início do capítulo 6, por mim podia ser só aquela conversa. Concluindo, Celeste é um jogo incrível, sendo o meu novo Top1, superando Smash e por isso é muito especial para mim
Edit pós-chapter 8 e 9- primeiro de tudo acho estes capítulos um pouco desnecessário, a história podia ter acabado no 7. Mesmo assim acho o 9 muito bom, conseguiu utilizar na perfeição todas as mecânicas já implementadas e combina-las, porém abusaram um pouco, a mensagem de superação do capítulo e a animação do final também são lindas. O 8 é simplesmente mau para os padrões de Celeste, extremamente desnecessário não tem mensagem e acaba sem explicação, o level design também tem momentos fracos.
Celeste é o maior exemplo de que jogos indies podem ter tanta qualidade ou até mais do que jogos triple-A. Começando pela parte técnica, a trilha sonora é PERFEITA, os sprites e as animações também não ficam para trás. A história é muito boa, cheia de metáforas que vão desde habilidades, até mesmo à PREMISSA DO JOGO, retratando também muitos temas interessantes e com uma lição linda. Além disso, o level design é impecável, sendo difícil mas sempre justo, para não falar que a jogabilidade é tão bem feita que torna-se satisfatório e os efeitos sonoros e música ajudam nisso e na imersão do jogo. Por fim, os diálogos, que na sua maioria são bem escritos e tudo isso graças aos personagens super carismáticos, eu amo o início do capítulo 6, por mim podia ser só aquela conversa. Concluindo, Celeste é um jogo incrível, sendo o meu novo Top1, superando Smash e por isso é muito especial para mim
Edit pós-chapter 8 e 9- primeiro de tudo acho estes capítulos um pouco desnecessário, a história podia ter acabado no 7. Mesmo assim acho o 9 muito bom, conseguiu utilizar na perfeição todas as mecânicas já implementadas e combina-las, porém abusaram um pouco, a mensagem de superação do capítulo e a animação do final também são lindas. O 8 é simplesmente mau para os padrões de Celeste, extremamente desnecessário não tem mensagem e acaba sem explicação, o level design também tem momentos fracos.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
«Sit back and relax»
«That ending!»
«Beaten more than once»
«OST on repeat»
Other reviews39
It was the first game I played after a really long pause. Enjoyed it so much.
I kept dying and trying and dying and trying until I finished it.
«Beaten more than once»
amazing game. it enhanced my love for platformer even more tho i coudnt do the cassete levels, maybe one day?
«Blew my mind»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Completed as of writing this review: Base Game.
This game has made me think of how great indie games are in general. Beautiful worlds, soothing music, inspiring story, and a fair challenge. I demand you try this game out! It won't disappoint!
This game has made me think of how great indie games are in general. Beautiful worlds, soothing music, inspiring story, and a fair challenge. I demand you try this game out! It won't disappoint!
«Blew my mind»
«Sit back and relax»
The gameplay is very fun and challenging. The story involves you, and the feeling at the end is a mix of achievment and happiness
«Blew my mind»
Celeste is like a jigsaw puzzle. That may seem obvious because Celeste is a puzzle-platformer but that is the best way I can think of that summarizes the entire game. Half of the battle is finding out how to fit pieces together, and the other is to actually fit them together. In real puzzles, these parts aren’t really that difficult, you grab a piece, see where it fits maybe by looking at the picture on the box, and attach it to the other pieces. In Celeste, both of these parts are more complex.
Not only does Celeste have more complex pieces: jumping, moving left and right, dashing in eight directions, climbing walls, and many level gimmicks; fitting them together requires precise timing and execution.
While I think anyone who is interested in platformers should give Celeste a try, there are some things that could prevent some from enjoying it. The base moveset that the player has could possibly be too simple to keep your attention for the game’s whole runtime. I think that the level gimmicks make up for this but you may think the opposite. The game is difficult, especially towards the endgame. It is guaranteed that you will die over and over again, maybe even on the same screen. The story is one that I wouldn’t call stellar and I don’t think you should play Celeste just for the story. And the game doesn’t really have a reward for finishing its most difficult tasks, it rewards you with more challenges.
Though the biggest problem I have with Celeste, and the only reason I can’t recommend it to everyone is that it doesn't teach some mechanics to the player, and when it does teach you mechanics through its level design, it is not always clear. Continuing with the puzzle analogy, it's like someone taking some of the pieces when you weren't looking, you’d probably have to try out every piece to see if it fits before you realize that one piece is missing. Since Celeste requires careful execution to do this, it could lead to frustrating times for some players.
But when all of the pieces are laid out, Celeste becomes very rewarding, it does so not by giving the player more abilities or skills to play with but with even more challenges to overcome. It gets extremely difficult, but it is still a game that wants you to beat it. Celeste’s best moments really come from beating what at first seemed like insurmountable tasks. If you like that sort of thing in video games and are into platformers, then I highly recommend giving Celeste a shot.
Not only does Celeste have more complex pieces: jumping, moving left and right, dashing in eight directions, climbing walls, and many level gimmicks; fitting them together requires precise timing and execution.
While I think anyone who is interested in platformers should give Celeste a try, there are some things that could prevent some from enjoying it. The base moveset that the player has could possibly be too simple to keep your attention for the game’s whole runtime. I think that the level gimmicks make up for this but you may think the opposite. The game is difficult, especially towards the endgame. It is guaranteed that you will die over and over again, maybe even on the same screen. The story is one that I wouldn’t call stellar and I don’t think you should play Celeste just for the story. And the game doesn’t really have a reward for finishing its most difficult tasks, it rewards you with more challenges.
Though the biggest problem I have with Celeste, and the only reason I can’t recommend it to everyone is that it doesn't teach some mechanics to the player, and when it does teach you mechanics through its level design, it is not always clear. Continuing with the puzzle analogy, it's like someone taking some of the pieces when you weren't looking, you’d probably have to try out every piece to see if it fits before you realize that one piece is missing. Since Celeste requires careful execution to do this, it could lead to frustrating times for some players.
But when all of the pieces are laid out, Celeste becomes very rewarding, it does so not by giving the player more abilities or skills to play with but with even more challenges to overcome. It gets extremely difficult, but it is still a game that wants you to beat it. Celeste’s best moments really come from beating what at first seemed like insurmountable tasks. If you like that sort of thing in video games and are into platformers, then I highly recommend giving Celeste a shot.