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Control review
by deleted_576403

- Ambientazione estremamente curata ed interessante, misteriosa, strana, folle, psichedelica, in perfetto stile Remedy.
- I luoghi della oldest house sono affascinanti, ben distribuiti e pensati, si va da luoghi aperti molto onirici a spazi angusti della sala macchine fino ad arrivare alle misteriose fondamenta della oldest house.
- Personaggi principali interpreti magistralmente soprattutto il personaggio del dr Darling.
- Un misto tra un film di David Lynch ed elementi ripresi dal mondo SPC.
- Gameplay molto divertente e soddisfacente, quasi completa distruttibilità degli oggetti dei livelli.
- Pieno di Easter eggs e segreti da scovare.
-Abilità  offensive e nemici abbastanza variegati.
- Ottima cura delle missioni secondarie.
- Grafica eccellente, una goduria per gli occhi.
- Buona ottimizzazione.
- Stupendo sistema di illuminazione e degli effetti particellari, continuo gioco di luci e ombre.
- Ottima effettistica e colonna sonora curato dai Poets Of the Fall, molte canzoni memorabili.
- Abbastanza longevo se si considera tutto quello che il gioco ha da offrire.

- Leggermente frettoloso nel finale e un po' castrato per dare spazio alle espansioni successive.
- Mancanza della gestione del peso degli oggetti, sembrano tutti avere lo stesso peso.
- L'abilità  lancio è eccessivamente potente e questo sbilancia un po' i combattimenti.
- Le missioni a tempo dalla prima metà di gioco in poi diventano abbastanza inutili e ripetitive.
- Poca rigiocabilità essendo il gioco molto lineare e con nessuna variazione di trama.

«Blew my mind»
«Liked before it became a hit»
«OST on repeat»

Other reviews30

«Sit back and relax»
Great cinematica, the gameplay is average
fuck this
As a huge art-house film fan, I imagine this is probably how my friends feel when I strongly encourage them to watch a film that shook me to my core that they can acknowledge it's made very well, but completely does not affect them. Control, on paper, is a great stylistic and thematic game. But the dull venues, repetitive combat and frustrating side missions through me off of it. The good news is I played it for Free thanks to PS+ and maybe someday I'll come back to it.
Definitely worth a go. Was glad it came onto gamepass as it was on my 'to play' list for a while. Really interesting setting and execution. Combat is decent but very frustrating at times. I can see why they added 'assist' mode and without it I probably would have rage quit long before the end.
Really enjoyed the narrative and MC though and the Ashtray maze was definitely a highlight.
Tried this because it was on PSN and I only had 15 days to beat it. I played it every day to the point where the world started popping up in my dreams. Intuitive gameplay, haunting visual, story remains cohesive while dealing with supernatural elements. Really great.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Probably one of my favourite game ever. Everything is so cerebral and complicated and then they hit you in the face with the Ashtray Maze. Masterpiece
Stunning in every regard
so dont expect a full package. Just expect a an arena shooter inside csp confiment facility and u will have a lot of fun. Some things are bad ( scenario, the fake promise of ending etc etc ....) but what is here it at least to do once. the environment will blew your mind at leats 10 time. The ambiance sound graphism acting all is top notch. (except scenario andf fighting). The only flaw of this game is maybe a the fighting system that can t be push too hard and it s kinda borring at some point but except that the scenario ( it sell really well but doesnt give any resolution ) and the last mission being underwelming the package is great. Remedy like always will play with you and that feeling is great and they totally know when to pull it or not. if it s your first remedy game go !!!!
«Blew my mind»
«OST on repeat»