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Assassin's Creed Syndicate review
by Flavio Silva

«Can’t stop playing»

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The game isn’t bad, but I’m leaving this review because of the 'Tackle the Spy' glitch, which prevented me from finishing it. It’s a shame that Ubisoft never fixed this bug.
This is a very clunky but still worthwhile game. The boneless Arkham combat is functional, Stealth mostly serves its purpose and the addition of the hookshot is perfect for London. The city is fun to explore and roam around in and the gang mechanics make exploration worthwhile. Sadly everything in the plot other than its introduction and ending feels beyond rushed due to the insane pacing which does the very likeable Frye Twins disservice.
«Sit back and relax»
Simple combat, a humorous mood and epic execution missions.
Just a shame frame rate is locked on consoles.
Having 2 protagonists that don't share skills m3ans i will favor one and neglect the other.  Also, a little too modern for the series imho.  Still fun and now that the bugs are fixed its a pretty enjoyable experience with an alright story and okay characters
Couldn't stop playing it. Completed and also got all achievements.
It's Unity but actually playable and with likeable protagonists
«Sit back and relax»
Syndicate is an improvement over the previous games in the series in many aspects. For me personally, this was one of the most enjoyable Assassins Creed games. I have spent approximately 110 hours with it before completing almost everything it has to offer.

1. Game Setting

Contrary to my intuition, pre-industrial era London turned out to be an interesting place to be an Assassin. It is beautifully designed with realistic crowds, busy river Thames (my favorite), building interiors that you can explore and historic landmarks that you can read about in the database.

The trains! Perfect idea! I don't want to spoil much, though, and will stop here.

2. Gameplay and Combat

Again, an improvement over the previous games. Different weapons, two playable characters, not particularly sophisticated combat, but definitely enjoyable, with excellent animations and excessive brutality. Lovely.

Improved new movement mechanics, fluid, acrobatic, much much better than anything before in the series. Scaling the buildings is not a chore either (unlike Origins and Odyssey) with the rope launcher. Actually, the rope launcher is the single best innovation in the exploration mechanics and collectible puzzles.

If you, like me, were annoyed with the Origins' tedious horse rides, be assured that Syndicate doesn't suffer from this. London is compact and pleasant to cross with the rope launcher or by carriage.

3. Story

Yeah, it was OK. I did enjoy the Witcher-like investigation mechanics and the Jack the Ripper storyline, other than that, it was just OK. There was much more Ubisoft could have done with the story and engagement.

4. Final Remarks

One of the things that I give high points for, is the approach towards collectibles and optional events. Unlike other games in the series, Ubisoft didn't build many meaningless time-sinks into the game. The collectibles are fun to find and could have been even a little bit more complicated, that would be fine too.

I had this game sitting in my library for a long time before I actually played it. I had a hunch that this will be one of the weaker games in the series, but I proved myself to be wrong. This is possibly one of the best.
In my opinion, this is the best part of the series after assassins creed 2. To release a re-release, without uplay, donate slag and with a normal balance of experience and money, and the game could be given 8 points. And so for 10 hours I looked at the bar of increased experience, and expected that after the expiration the game would become impassable, although this is not so, but this motivated me to go through it faster.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Steam is soo hamma! I wanted to get Syndicate in the winter sale, on the last day, in the Last 10 minutes. Problem was that I (overzealous as I was) interversed a few times when entering the Steam Card, Whereupon at 18:54 The message came that I had too many Attempts to buy in the last en Minuten would have been done. So I waited 5 Minutes and tried it again, but that didn't work out, as not enough Time seemed to have passed yet. So That Day there was no new Assassin's Creed part for me. I naturally agitated animally about this Error Message and stressed to my Friends how badly Steam had solved this Problem. BIS I was taught a better one. When I checked my emails the next Day, I saw an Email from Steam saying my Shopping CART was saved due to this Error WITH ALL RABATTEN. As a Result, I immediately bought the Syndicate (still downset for me). Let's get to the Game itself ... ES IS THE HAMMA! 1. It is set in London and there is a day and Night cycle, as well as a rain and solar cycle, which quite increases the whole Frame of the whole game and it is just Fun to run through the huge Open World or to drive more recently as there are jaa Carriages Which are just horny. What we have already done at ... 2. would be. The Victorian Age. It's the (for me) by Far the best Time in the Assassin's Creed ever played. Droschken, Electricity, Steam Engines, Cylinders, Darwin, Dickens, Queen Victoria and, of course, Sherlock Holmes. They are all Representatives of this Time And not the worst. You meet most of them in the Story and if these are still too few Celebrities, then you can still buy jaa the "Jack the Ripper" DLC. 3. There is also an Innovation opposite the other Parts of the Series (apart from Unity, I don't know what it's like) from Ubisoft's side: You can't buy just four More things from the "Units" (like Wallpapers, two Single-players and a Multiplayer thing) VERY MORE. For Example, the Soundtrack of the Game or a Sherlock Holmes Coat (my two Darlings). 4. Back to the Game itself. The Story is very entertaining and with the Frye twins the Film Sequences are extremely Fun, as everyone always means to be better than the other, but they are still nice to one. It's also extremely Fun to explore Assassin's Creed with a Woman. And I also find it advantageous that you can now skil Skills with skill points and do so with both Twins different Abilities. (Best Improvement: You can believe the Ability to rob someone the same in an Assassination Attempt, saving you the annoying "keep E" or "Keep B oppressed.") 5. Conclusion: I believe that both Steam and Ubisoft have proved that they can make up For past mistakes and "apologize" to users with really crass Things. Mm