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Dark Souls review
by Fleem

The crown achievement of labyrinthine level design and exploration, probably the best game ever, skip Blight Town.
«Beaten more than once»

Other reviews6

Lots of cool ideas, but it feels like a PS2 game.  Is that the point? maybe. But I don't care.
Incredible game that totally changed the face of the aRPG genre in the decade to come.
«Blew my mind»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Oh, this is a game for very passionate and patient players. I’m not one of them. The game is repetitive and you don’t understand why you get so little reward for all your suffering. In the end, I just got bored of all this.  
One of those game where you constantly die. And die again. And it’s sometimes frustrating. But you don’t quit the game, you keep playing for some reason. And the game becomes better with every new try.