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New Super Lucky's Tale review
by supau

By the numbers platformer where the annoying characters talk WAY too much. Fun distraction but you won't see anything new.

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This review is a retrospective of New Super Lucky's Tale. 
Without a doubt, aside from the Nintendo Switch version I had previously reviewed and unfortunately was hesitant to recommend, I can say that playing NSLT on PC, Xbox, or PlayStation is the definitive version of Lucky's Tale; the first official chapter of Lucky's Story with a final polish.

Although the experiences of the original game and NSLT offer different levels and gameplay experiences, the higher framerate of 60 FPS makes a world of difference. Playful has created an iconic character with tons of potential that can only go up from here. 

Fast-paced, great controls, music, and characters. This is not a game you want to miss out on!
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»