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Half-Life review
by RawDogMaster9000

Half life 2 is cool, this game is cool. 9/10

Other reviews15

I can't have enough of this game. 
«Beaten more than once»
HaIf_Life apk
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
«Goldsource» - is the engine on which «Half-Life» is based. It creates a dark and mysterious atmosphere that sets its own unique style and aesthetics.

«SFX» (Sound Environment) - is a great addition to this engine. The minimalistic sound in «Lo-Fi» format, of course, created a lot of memes, but this sound fits the game perfectly.

These simple forms put the imagination to work. Unique game.
«OST on repeat»
«Can’t stop playing»
«That ending!»
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
This game set the expectation that story could be told during gameplay moments. Before this, FPSes were content to show the vast majority of their story in between-mission cutscenes, briefings, and other game elements. While it is a bit of an amusement park ride (with only one right way to go, and special levers and buttons to press), it was revolutionary for its time.
«Can’t stop playing»
I keep going back to it. Hasn't aged all well but I still enjoy going back to Black Mesa
To me, half life marks a shift from shooters being "good for the time" to simply being good. While predecessors like doom, marathon, and quake are all landmark titles that innovated in their own right, I don't feel they necessarily hold up as compelling experiences. Half life, on the other hand, has a level of depth and fluidity that allows it to compete with more modern showings. Between the well-integrated story and dynamic flow of gameplay, half life is a thoroughly gripping and enjoyable experience start to finish, with very few low points that come to mind. 
Gameplay 9/10. Graphics 7/10. Soundtrack 7/10. Storyline 9/10. OVERALL 8/10. (A 8.0)
«Blew my mind»
Replayed this recently, and it did not hold up to my memory of the experience. Obviously it was ground breaking at the time, but I don't think I would play it again. Cant remember if I didnt make it through the Xen part when I was a kid or if I just blocked it out of memory, because dear Lord it draaaaggggggss. So many pacing issues in this game.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Half-Life, the best Game ever. I love this Game and can only recommend it to others who like such games with such a Graphics. It has such a FET story with Half-Life 2 Where you can start howling. With Half-Life: Blue Shift and Half-Life: Opposing Force, this is my all, everyone, everyone and all favorite game. This Graphic in the first Half-Life part is so special to me that I always get such a really weird Feeling, which just makes me happy and moods there is to play. It is quite heavy and sometimes to despair but still the Hammer. The Price is quite high, but for such a Game I like to spend a little more. This Game was the Source of it to gamble first. I Find the G-man who confuses a nice bit and brings one out of Concept. But all in all, you should get the Game. It wouldn't be a Mistake and if someone still doesn't like this Game then they have a Problem or have no fun with it because of the Graphics or sooooo. I hope this Game will never die out and live on forever. I also very much hope that is enough but only many things Half-Life 3 can get out. Well I would also be content with it wenns won't be like that but always Half-Life remains my favorite game no matter what else it comes out of for First-person shooters. This is also the difference between Valve and such Makers of CoD, Valve knows what you want and CoD haut just shit out. I think there will be nies again such a Game as Half-Life and if it would be a very big Surprise to me and of Course I would be happy about it. I just hope you like it as I like it and wish you very, very, very, very much fun playing Half-Life.