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Elden Ring review
by ChallahBread

I'm garbage at souls games. I remember not being able to deal with the spiral staircase in Latria 3-2 in the OG Demon's Souls leading to the maneaters because of those damn mindflayers and reaching a level of rage past yelling or breaking controllers (those cost money, don't waste money) and just calmly, quietly taking the disc out and putting it on eBay with the same kind of emotionless automation of a sim and never touching it again. Fast forward to every person on Earth playing this thing and the hype is too much, man, it's gorgeous, the reviews are through the roof, streams look dope, I gotta play this. But on easy mode, of course. Heard that magic was easy mode so I did the whole use the rune boosting chicken foot and taking out the giant dragon's tail with that bleedy morning star and then skipping a boss and horse it past some secret areas to get an overpowered sword that I was in NO way prepared to get normally and now I'm one-shotting hard enemies (when not getting surprised by a dragonfly or crab because oh my god this game is so punishing) and loving it! The game tells you NOTHING and I should hate that but it brought me back to MS-DOS games that were made with the expectation of you fumbling around for at least tens of hours before realizing that you could've done twice as much in just 4 minutes if you knew where you were supposed to go. A few headaches later and the exhilarating feeling of getting gud washed over me. First two attempts were rough. I didn't know where the Church of Elleh was, how to get the horse, level up, whatever, you name it, I just got out of the first area and then ended up stuck in some cave with a golem boss I couldn't hurt. Started over and ended up stuck in that Caelid crystal mine dealing with the centipede dudes because I had no idea the exit was so close. Random dogs are killing me and I'm level 42 and I'm pissed about that and it's all kind of terrific for some reason, you know?
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»

Other reviews25

I fell in love with dark souls 1 (and fromsoft as a whole) during the development of Elden ring, so much of my adoration is not exclusive to this game necessarily, but I truly adore this game

They somehow managed to purify the essence of dark souls so much it works even in a partially open world game, and simultaneously stripped out so much of what makes games of this genre tedious and painful that doesn't aid my enjoyment, such as the the Stake of Marika's allowing quick repeats of boss fights with less time between attempts

no game is perfect, and I certainly have gripes with the bland filler catacombs and cookie cutter boss types in the afterthought that is most of the underground linear dungeons, but they are so unobtrusive that they don't takeaway particularly much if you're not obsessed with arbitrary 100% mindsets

You certainly can't fault them for padding in terms of lack of content though, I have played extensively many runs including challenge runs and randomised runs and yet haven't beaten (or even reached) some of the major amazing bosses, which really shows the sheer breadth of this one-of-a-kind game

It's hard to say what my favourite boss is but Maliketh is truly where I felt I had my git gud moment, and absolutely adored Radagon and his phase 2's combo encouraging perfecting phase 1 to a finely sharpened point

This game is a strong contention to be my favourite game of all time, and I implore anyone to give it a true go, as I think it's their most accessible game yet to experience the feeling that nobody does quite like fromsoft
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
best game 2022
«Blew my mind»
«Beaten more than once»
I grow bored of most games after 10 or 20 hours. But these games ... I finished after 102 hours and explored nearly everything. I enjoyed every minute of it right up until the end.

Date Completed: 2023-06-05
Playtime: 102h
Enjoyment: 10/10
Recommendation: So good
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
what should i saw except that its one of the best games ever created till date 
«Blew my mind»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Great game with fantastic gameplay & exceptionally crafted open world.
One of the greatest open worlds ever created combined with some of the best tried and tested combat in all of gaming.
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
I'll be honest. I played with an "easy" mode mod on PC and the game was fantastic. I don't really have time to git gud but with the mod, i was able to experience the game and awe in its graphically beauty.
Worth the price. Tons of content and loads of fun!
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
300h on this game and I still cannot get enough, hoping for a DLC soon!
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Pure, unadulterated adventure in a challenging world of awe-inspiring moments, devious puzzles, and fantastical treasure.

This game is a masterclass in evoking feeling in its players: the dread of facing down a seemingly-impossible foe, the desperation of splashing through a rot-infested lake, trying to find safe harbor, the elation of puzzling out an ancient catacomb and finding a powerful talisman at the end. These feelings are what make gaming great as an entertainment medium, and Elden Ring capitalizes on this strength.

Elden Ring is unabashedly 'not a movie'; a criticism that could be leveled at other games where all the drama is packed into hours of cutscenes. Here, the drama is in the timing of a dodge, the unsheathing of a sword, the opening of a door to the darkness beyond. 

For me, when a game delivers so solidly on its aspirations, its faults fade into the background, yet it's worth discussing those that were commonly encountered. Frustrations come out in the quest design, with sparse details and complicated sequencing that feels at odds with the game's open-world design. The large and dramatic bosses that are signature moments in the journey can be hard to track / see as you get close, and camera management becomes more of an issue than it should be. 

Yet, for each of these issues, there are countless compelling and memorable moments waiting to be experienced. Do not let these elements deter you from spending time, at your own pace, with this world. It's large, and packed with adventures, so don't feel like you need to burn through it. At 150 hours (and still not quite done!), it's been a comforting go-to in between diversions, and a play session almost always ends with satisfying progression. 

A lovely, thoughtful, artistic punch in the face. I adore it!