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Portal Knights review
by BloodScorchedSun

This game has a lot going for it but in so many aspects it fails to deliver. For the most part it takes the building and resource gathering of Minecraft and uses it well. I appreciate the ability to play both 3rd person and 1st person, this makes mining much easier. They have a decent variety of enemies and gear that I didn't expect as well as mounts later on which would've been much more useful earlier. I found most of the class system stuff and how it handles leveling pretty half-baked. I purchased the version that had the Druid pack with it so I figured I'd play that class only to find the main perk of that class, shapeshifting, to be pretty dogshit. You do unlock wildforms as you go up in level but in all the ones I had access to I found that I was stronger without them. So I decided to try the Warrior as they are more tanky, or so I thought. While they seem to dish out a better DPS and have more armor, I still found myself having difficulty with enemies at my level. I was having flashbacks to my time with Dragon Quest Builders and how poorly it handled progression at times. I was constantly going into a new area that was a level or two above me and wouldn't have much issue. I get the new crafting materials to make better armor and weapons but then to actually use those, I need to be 2 levels higher. What sense does it make to give you items on a level 20 island that you need to be level 22 to use? This meant that constantly I was up against higher level enemies with lower level gear. It's almost like Bungie design this system. Even by the end of the game, with the highest armor and weapons, I was having trouble with survivability. The only thing that really saved me was the health regen on the hammer. I'm assuming most of this was due to the fact it's marketed as a coop experience. I think that they should've done away with the entire leveling system as I think it just gets in the way of the good parts of the game. There are just multiple things that seem like they wanted to do something with but never did. You get over a dozen or so plants that you can put in your garden to grow but they all give you the same health benefits and there is no cooking or anything so it's absolutely pointless. I didn't have a terrible time with the game but you will definitely noticed how poor some of the systems are if you've played games with better ones before.
«Game over at last!»

Other reviews5

A very simple RPG. While I was going through the campaign, specially towards the end, I was about to pan the game for how little there is to combat, quests and NPCs, but once I got through all of that and hit max level, I had so much fun just playing with all the tools the game gives you to make your own fun, I can't help but recommending it in the end. I also suspect the main campaign would have been all the more enjoyable co-op. Maybe think twice about getting this if you're going to play solo.
«Better with friends»
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Microsoft from Italian
As the title suggests. The game is a rpg with very simple features but that are very fun. Very good also the customization that can be given to the game (creation of the map depending on how many players participate, there is the possibility of setting the video quality on 5 levels to be able to use the game even on older devices. On iPad Air 2 the game Among the things to improve I would put: the possibility of playing in multi player via a server (and not only locally), and the possibility of modifying the size of the virtual joystic (the touch controls are not exactly comfortable, better to play with a gamepad ).
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I'll make it short: Good, pretty, very motivating game based on the well-known crafting game recipe. Control so far ok until you start building something. Especially if you want to correct small movements and then briefly tapping the stick (as usual) to the side. Then the character rolls and thus does exactly the opposite as a small movement. This feature should be disable m.M.n in the options. Overall, the controls are very fiddly (as is often the case with tablet or phone conversions). It is urgently necessary a BT controller support. Otherwise it will hardly be long on the iPad Pro (2017). Alternatively, a camera tracking would be a solution, so you do not constantly need to correct the viewing direction. This is known from other games. Also, the game is jerky in the ego perspective. Hi, thanks for your feedback. We will pass it on to the development team.
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Microsoft from French
I find in this game the depth, the style and the pleasure of Terraria which is, and remains, incontestably my favorite game. Although I prefer Terraria, this game brings a lot of newties to sand-box type games. Here are some highlights:  Graphics put your eyes out.  an extremely advanced progression system that keeps you going.  makes it to have several small and very different maps, all to explore separately and rather easily instead of having only one big one whose limmensit submerges us and of which we will not explore the fullness.  character classes with different game styles.  a good variety of enemies. (Although this does not mean Terraria, you still have to salute the quantity).  a multi mode local, hoping to see a day a multi mode just short.  a system for improving the manufacturing station.  a system of types (fire, water, earth, electricity, light, darkness ...) to vary the use of weapons according to the enemies.  an affordable price that does not grow ruin either.  a Wiki well done to look for recipes or info that we would miss. Good, good, good, I'm going to marry l but I could still continue long. I highly recommend this excellent game and wish you a good day / night! Thank you!