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Apex Legends review
by WD_Gaster

«Blew my mind»

Other reviews23

«Liked before it became a hit»
i've been a player since 12/2019 but after season 20 it kinda got meh....still good in terms of gameplay 'n stuff
«Liked before it became a hit»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Not bad game to play in the evening.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
better than Fortnite, but its the worst game in the Titanfalliverse.
Apex Legends is the one battle royale I actually enjoy. I never liked this specific genre, but this game excels in every single aspect of it and brings some new things to the table that the others don't, especially the story, the characters, and the movement that is amazing and fulfilling.
I've had the time where I quit this game for months, as a week one player I hated to see the places where the management was taking this free to play, making it feel unrewarding for anyone who didn't have rivers of money to spend. Slowly, things got back on track, I got back into the game, and even with all its problems (servers, matchmaking, overpriced cosmetics, repetitive events) I still like this game and I'm excited to see what the future holds for it. 
its okay i think its different enough from the other battle royales 
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»
well its a game alright
dude this game is free and so what are u waiting for go download this game and spent your whole life be an e sport player .
«Just one more turn»
My favorite Battle Royale game on the market. The speed and movement makes this a great entry. 

But the need to constantly hunt for gear to get that next scope, barrel, or clip becomes exhausting. It causes a really strange momentum to the game with a heavier emphases on looting than on fighting.

Great art style and fantastic dev team.
«Just one more turn»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»