PC 26.02.2018
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Syberia 3 I have finally finished and I have to take a little more diandering my previous Review.
The previous two Parts I actually played for the respective Release and loved them like many others.
The fantastic World full of Vending Machines, wonderful Music, captivating Story and beautiful Characters made sure to keep playing.
With the current Part of the Series, on the other hand, the situation looks almost completely different.
Here are some of my absolute TOP criticism points: # # # SYNCHRO # # # The German Synchro, unlike the previous Parts, is almost a total Disaster. Many Audio Files are not finished in the first place or start over in the middle of the Set.
In addition, audibly young Speakers are used for the Roles of older Persons (Especially in the non-supporting Roles). It is also Disturbing that very often no Mouths move at all during speaking. This deprives the World of its Credibility. It is a great pity.
# # # KAMERA & STEURUNG # # # It seems like there are far too many predefined Camera Positions. In Places, nonsensical Perspectives are chosen or change only after several times of entering the Scenery. The fact that you can move the Screen with the Mouse or the right analog stick and thus unsubscribe makes some Puzzles doubly tricky but also interesting. Often it is still quite miserable because it also works, on which it absolutely does not have to be.
----------------The Update to the classic Point & Click control Basically works quite well.
In My Opinion, both or all three Options (Mouse, Keyboard, Controller) are not entirely satisfactory.
Usually, Doors or Stairs become the absolute Test of Patience. I kept using W, A, S, D or the Controller As well as Mouse during the Game ... # # # AUTOSAVE # # # I don't think there's much to say at the Point. An Autosave in such a game?
Apart from some GameFreeze moments, you just want to be able to save and finish the Game without having to make your way To the next Savepoint. If you can do without it and are willing to play a Passage again the next Day, of course that's fine. One should only bear in mind that no Dialogues, paths and Cutscenes can be skipped.
# # # SKIP-FUNKTION # # # As mentioned in the last Sentence of the previous Point: SKIP does not exist. In the past, not everything was better and yet you were spared a lot of senseless running.
Also a pity for an Adventure. The Dialogue Design is very meagre. In most Cases, you have two to three dialogue options, and that was the best Way to do that. Sinking Into conversations for long Periods of Time and learning more about the World, it falls away. If one is of course the opinion everything is told and one can limit oneself to The essential remains in Syberia 3: Pilgrimage of an old Tribe without any significant Action.
Bought and finished because it is somehow a Matter Of the heart.
If you take off the pink Glasses with all Your love ... For me, it's a little sad *.
! ! ! SPOILER!!! -[for Microïds] * The whole World of Syberia 3 is not far away from its Predecessor and yet it is.
Of course, It can't always be about Hans Voralberg. Apart from the Amusement park and the Clinic, the crazy Inventions and Constructions Are very lacking. Because this bizarre, almost creepy at the same time fantastic is what made Syberia what it is.
It is also a pity not to see the holy Land. I mean... This is what the whole Game builds on and then leaves you absolutely unsatisfied.
That's no End to it ... Is there anything else to Come?