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Atomic Heart review
by TheHonoredOne

This game is so ass. The gameplay feels so cheap and boring. I really had expectations from this game.
«Waste of time»
«I could make it better»
«Reviewers bribed»

Other reviews17

This game has a lot of cool ideas and a great art style for a lot of it but the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. There's a fairly big difficulty curve in the beginning but once you get a bit more upgrades and weapons it gets fairly easy. The Zvezdochka is ridiculously over powered once upgraded and it's secondary will melt bosses. The story is more or less Bioshock in more ways than one. It's not terrible but kind of mid for most of the game. There's a big twist that is completely unearned. The character is all over the place. At times being very heroic with a moral compass and then just being an idiot. There's a dialogue choice near the end that is completely polar opposite of what comes before. The dialogue is so bad it's good. Honestly hearing him yell 'crispy critters' never gets old. 
Poorly optimized. Extremely boring story. The main protagonist is hard to connect to and like, just some generic action movie dude.

The only plus is a somewhat world building but it kinda fell to the background. Didn't see what all the hype was about.
It turns out crispy pizdec nahoi blyat!
+ great visual and music
+ really interesting dialogues, easter eggs, notes, emails, voice messages etc
+ nice set of weapon and modifications
+ interesting story and choices
+ good logic tests on polygons
+ good and fast looting and inventory management (yes it's enfinit, who cares)
+ good boss's design

- abilities are kind of weak
- abilities and skills do not change gameplay
- boss fights are easy
- no clear understanding of safe places where you can stop the pursuit by robots
- though the game gives you choices it gives much more info towards specific decisions, if you choose opposite it looks unreasonable, just to watch what happens.
- lacking of gameplay variety. It is just run and shoot almost all the time (only except polygons)
The game is dull and uninteresting.
«Waste of time»
«That ending!»
🍓I play a new s​ех game 1​8​+​) I can not get through it, very hard) Who played, help me ➤
Pluses: Good visuals, good atmospehere. The beginning of the game is gorgeous. 
Minuses: Horrible writing. Horrible dialogues. Horrible characters. Horrible voice acting. I wanna barf every time someone says something, anything; dialogues are written by Russian gopniks. Borning and stretched gameplay.

«Disappointment of the year»
«Waste of time»
Oh this writing is baaaad bad. Very oof to start.

This is a clear wannabe bioshock game without the talent.

What the fuck is going on in this game. There’s a horny robot fridge? What?!?

Gameplay feels pretty bad. The melee combat feels sluggish. The gunplay so far isn’t much better. 

I can’t stress how bad this dialogue is. And the voice actor. 

Okay now for some positives. With the bioshock skills added to the combat the gameplay has been more fun. The number of upgrades and parts that you can craft is quite high. I like that too. Plus the looting mechanic is cool. The dialogue is still awful though.

This really is the poor poor man’s bioshock. They also made a zombie human with a head that opens up in a way very similar to the clickers from TLOU… I think they are just stealing ideas from other games and then not doing a good job with them.

My favourite part of the game so far has been looting materials to buy new abilities, weapons and attachments. If that sense of progression continues and the changes feel meaningful then I’ll at least have an okay time with this game. 

Low key, I usually hate puzzles but I actually don’t mind the little mini puzzles in this one. They have been fun.

Okay I was a bit harsh initially. The longer I’ve played the better it has gotten. The story is entertaining in a B Movie kind of way. The awful awful dialogue isn’t as noticeable, partly because I skip a ton of it. The gameplay and upgrades have continued to get better.

Beat it. The final few chapters were pretty good. The story was actually very fun in a B movie kind of way by the end and the ending was great. A lot of fun twists. I was way to harsh on this game at first. It’s still only a B. It’s not great but after the initial 2 or 3 hours it picks up and I was having fun.

Final Score: B
The best thing in this game is the boss fights. Especially in some parts, the game is quite unstable in terms of sending enemies. Also scenario and the main villain are quite predictable. I think for BioShock fans this game is "Meh".