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Flower review
by xxx1989626


Other reviews13

Flower is an "art-game" in which you control the wind and you have to open flowers to bring back color and life in grey and bleak surroundings. It took me at least 2 hours to complete, but I took my time. An enjoyable experience, which serve as relaxing and thoughtful way, especially towards the last levels with industrialization vs nature. Recommended on sale.
i have never been more annoyed at the controls in a game before. I wish they'd let us toggle off the freaking motion control, it barely responds and turning or adjusting is the worst. The game looks beautiful too and I love Journey and ABZU. i'm probably gonna go watch someone else play to at least get the visuals/story. Really sad that motion controls are all that ruined it.
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Microsoft from Russian
Very unexpectedly opened this project. He answered me with reciprocity. Warm, unpretentious, meditative and tube toy, which does not require any special skills to familiarize with it. However, the Flower has both strengths and weaknesses. Let's Move on to the pros. First, it is necessary to note a nice and simple gameplay, which is to collect the flowers and can not be a joke to captivate! Second, unobtrusive musical accompaniment, emphasizing the right atmosphere. Third, The plot. It is banal, but through the prism of allegories and allegory of the sends player to the actual problems of modernity such as loneliness, disappointment in life, but at the same time gradually gaining the goal in it. Moreover, speaking about pluses it is necessary to mention about minuses. I think it's going to be fair. In my opinion the weak side of the game is only one-it's a strange camera. In Some moments it is difficult to keep track of the flow of your petals. In General, if we summarize, Flower will be excellent and in many ways unique pastime in the vastness of virtual reality. I recommend to Everyone!
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Microsoft from French
Very good game, certainly. But far too short! For 5, we could expect a little more life time ... a little bit of
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Microsoft from Norsk
I am very happy this game is available on iPhone. I was considering getting a playstation when it came out just because of it
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Microsoft from Dutch
The game looked great on iPhone 6 and even iPad 2018 but on iPhone XR it shows pink moving bars in the middle of the screen. Update needed?
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Microsoft from Dutch
Will there be new levels? The game is really breathtaking and definitely worth buying, but will there be new levels? I hope so, because this game is really fun to play.
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Microsoft from Spain
I have requested the return. It looks bad on iPad Pro 12.9, it is as if it was low resolution and out of focus and, also tide. Not recommended despite the publicity that Apple has made
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Microsoft from Spain
I have it on the PlayStation and it is equally impressive. I hope you get the Journey and the Flow that are different but the same relaxing style and the three of SquareEnix. Thank you Annapurna for sending us this wonderful game.
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Microsoft from French
Apart from spending time in the waiting room at the dentist, not much interest: expensive, takes a lot of space, commands not too intuitive and not so nice that after 5 minutes watching the grass to dliler: uninstall after 48 hours.
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Microsoft from Italian
One of the most beautiful games on the AppStore, not just a game but a real hymn to life and nature, I already enjoyed it extensively on ps4 and now I can play it in every place, a poem for the eyes that manages to give depth emotional and character to one of the simplest things in the world: a flower petal