Other reviews2
The atmosphere we lost...
- Color correction.
Brightness and contrast at maximum. It feels like I'm in the tropics.
- Rhobar II.
King Robar II has gone from a gray-haired old man to a mature man tossing cups.
- Horror.
Swords in the body, guts, blood everywhere. Gothic is not horror. The developers in 2001 were able to convey the atmosphere without all that.
- Character.
The protagonist from the original was all calm and with a sense of humor. The new protagonist is very emotional and insecure.
- Music.
Completely different style, not revealing the atmosphere. More suited to pirates and tropical adventures.
- Gigantism.
Everything is prohibitively huge. Whether it's a swap meet pad or a barbican with a grid.
- The combat from «FOR HONOR».
I really don't like this combat. Just made for consoles.
- Checkpoints.
Saves don't work, still refers to the checkpoint.
- Diego.
Diego is now an imposing and mannered Zorro.
- Bloodwyn.
Bloodwyn is now a man of a different race.
- Freezes.
Freezes on a system with GTX 1660 S, AMD Ryzen 7 2700x and 16 GB RAM. Unbelievable.
- Invisible Walls.
Invisible walls restricting the main thing. Freedom to explore.
- Camera.
Camera when fighting in the woods, rests against a tree and as a result you can't see the enemy.
- Dialog System.
The dialogue system with a choice of answers, I personally do not like. Again, the console version.
- Diego will remember this . Why, Diego?
+ The guardian's armor is recreated well.
+ «Herr Mannelig» on the lute played by the guard at the gate.
+ «A Decent Weapon» and «Orry's Headache» are the only canonical Gothic-style missions
- Color correction.
Brightness and contrast at maximum. It feels like I'm in the tropics.
- Rhobar II.
King Robar II has gone from a gray-haired old man to a mature man tossing cups.
- Horror.
Swords in the body, guts, blood everywhere. Gothic is not horror. The developers in 2001 were able to convey the atmosphere without all that.
- Character.
The protagonist from the original was all calm and with a sense of humor. The new protagonist is very emotional and insecure.
- Music.
Completely different style, not revealing the atmosphere. More suited to pirates and tropical adventures.
- Gigantism.
Everything is prohibitively huge. Whether it's a swap meet pad or a barbican with a grid.
- The combat from «FOR HONOR».
I really don't like this combat. Just made for consoles.
- Checkpoints.
Saves don't work, still refers to the checkpoint.
- Diego.
Diego is now an imposing and mannered Zorro.
- Bloodwyn.
Bloodwyn is now a man of a different race.
- Freezes.
Freezes on a system with GTX 1660 S, AMD Ryzen 7 2700x and 16 GB RAM. Unbelievable.
- Invisible Walls.
Invisible walls restricting the main thing. Freedom to explore.
- Camera.
Camera when fighting in the woods, rests against a tree and as a result you can't see the enemy.
- Dialog System.
The dialogue system with a choice of answers, I personally do not like. Again, the console version.
- Diego will remember this . Why, Diego?
+ The guardian's armor is recreated well.
+ «Herr Mannelig» on the lute played by the guard at the gate.
+ «A Decent Weapon» and «Orry's Headache» are the only canonical Gothic-style missions
«Buggy as hell»