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Assassin's Creed Origins review
by Артем Ван Дамм

Игра, конечно, во многом откровенно идиотская, поэтому советую как можно скорее перестать воспринимать ее всерьез и получать удовольствие от возведенной в абсолют Ubisoft гриндилки с вышками, охотой и прочими "сейчас пройду вон ту крепость и спать", и тогда это будут вполне себе увлекательные 60-70 часов, наполненные приключениями в симпатичных декорациях античного мира (а игра скорее про него, чем про Египет).

По-сути, все, что мы делаем, это бегаем от одного маркера к другому и вырезаем толпы солдат, а в перерывах смотрим кино про то, как муж с женой психанули и решили вырезать всех тиранов в мире, от мэра деревни в пустыне до Цезаря (а все это сон бабы, которая лежит в пещере с мумией).

Однако, парадоксальным образом, формула работает и лично в моем случае Origins перетянула одеяло игрового времени сначала с Wolfenstein 2, а потом с Kingdom Come, что весьма показательно. Одним словом, ассасин вполне себе приятно удивляет, разработчики молодцы, честь и хвала.
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»

Other reviews23

I never played the original Assassin's Creed games so I cannot comment on the changes the developer made to the franchise.

All I can say is that as someone who loves the ancient world and Egypt mythology, the open world blew me away and travelling through it has been a dream come true.

The combat is a bit clunky and not quite as good as in the successor Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but it's enjoyable overall. Especially the mounted combat is better than in most other games.

The game is also filled with engaging side story missions and doesn't really have any brainless filler missions like AC: Odyssey. It's better in that regard.

The main story line is fine, but won't win any awards. It keeps you interested enough to carry on but the exceptional aspect of the game is the ancient Egyptian world you are exploring. If you're not into that, the game loses its strongest point.
«Can’t stop playing»
A worthwhile reinvention. The story is mostly functional, with some cool setpieces and combat is very simple. The highlight here is exploring the varied map. They really packed Egypt full of cool stuff to find.
«Sit back and relax»
Really liked the gameplay, the world, and just all the stuff you get to do.  There appears to be a bit too much in the side missions (i.e. reduced trophy areas would help and the animal dens felt out of place), but all in all was fantastic.  Fighting felt good, although probably should have remapped my buttons as the Square and Circle buttons felt backwards in fights.
Rest in peace, Assassin's Creed. I'll try to remember what you were and not what you are. Just a soul less game without narrative, a game as service where you can see everything that is going wrong on videogames, but it's not a free to play, although sometimes it seems too.
«Waste of time»
This game didn't convince me that the new direction of the series was a good one.  It's fine and full of a lot of filler nothing side quests.  Lots of stuff here that eventually became good in later games, but overall this experience isn't anything exceptional.  AC is fun though.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Sit back and relax»
In the early days of the COVID pandemic, I was lonely, jobless, and living back at home with my parents. My ways of coping with this were often quite unhealthy and self destructive. But it wasn't the drug use or panic attacks or sudden bouts of crying that I think back on with a sense of shame. No, my ultimate act of COVID-induced perversity was 100%ing the entire Assassins Creed series (plus DLCs) over the course of about a month. It wasn't a very fun experience, but it was thoroughly mind numbing and a pretty decent way to cope with all that boredom and depression. 

I'm ashamed to say it, but I fancy myself a bit of an AC expert at this point. Perhaps this useless expertise can serve some people on this site. This is by far the best of the new Assassin's Creed games. It has the best story and voice acting by miles. It also edges out the newer RPG-styled AC games in terms of size, gameplay balance, and world design. If you've seen trailers for the new AC games and have felt curious or enticed by them in any way, play this one first and then don't play any of the other ones.
A full on return to glory after the boring tripe the franchise has become. Actually meaningful side content, a good story (mostly) and a world that is fun to explore
«Blew my mind»
The first hours the game is addictive, but closer to the middle the game starts to get boring, monotonous additional tasks that are forced to perform because there is not enough level for the main one is especially annoying. And the problem is that it is not known whether the balance is made for microtransactions, or it was done on purpose. I would give the game Exceptional, because the game is well done, but the protractedness, microtransactions and the need to install additional spyware spoil the whole impression of the game.

I just don't really vibe with the newer AC formula.