I find this game boring. It’s too slow and not as scary as it’s meant to be. The story is also predictable and not involving, so I just gave up playing it in a while. Better buy another horror game, like Outlast, or watch a couple of horror movies than waste your money on this crap.
Other reviews13
The best puzzle game I've every played. Not just the puzzle part was great, but the story... The story was just amazing. The atmosphere of the game? Exactly the way it's supposed to be: Spooky and mysterious.
Amnesia is one of the games that will leave you empty inside. Highly recommended to play.
Amnesia is one of the games that will leave you empty inside. Highly recommended to play.
«Blew my mind»
Really scary. No jump scares or gore, just perfectly demonstrated feelings of isolation in face of undefeatable danger. In last third it looses it's atmosphere (because by that time you're used to anything the game throws at you) but overall this game is strong experience.
«Blew my mind»
repetitive gameplay loop and some awkward puzzles. there are parts that can get your blood pumping, but the game has nothing else to recommend it
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
A real Horror Game with captivating Story that has found many Imitators.
It's sometimes something different, but not too "different" not to please.
Gloomy and creepy Atmo! Very creepy Story, in the End also very cruel.
The Story is mostly told through Documents that are very well written.
You sneak through a half-abandoned Castle, have to hide from Monsters, as you can't fight back and desperately almost in the Dark, because Oil for the Lamp is scarce.
Over time, one learns more and more what cruel Things have happened in this Castle.
It offers a sizable and atmosphere graphics, many Interaction Possibilities, puzzles and four possible Endings.
At three Ends a Code appears in The End Credits, all three together give the Password for a .rar file in The Amnesia Folder, with some Sketches etc. from the Development.
An absolute Must for every Horror Fan!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
At last... After just under 2 Years ... ICH HABS DURCH!!! WUHUUU ...
First of all, I have to say that this Game can take such a most spodown one ... It took me just under 2 Years, bit me had through, because I always had too much Shit. I Freely admit. But now habs ichs finally through ... * freu * Now to the Game itself ... The Graphics are quite good for the Time. The Atmosphere, is really captivating, nobody believes that. Then there is the Right Mixture of light and Shadow Effects ... Top! ... And now the Sound ... I've never had such a creepy Sound in a Game. This Sound ... Xd... Absolutely fitting to any Situation. And the Sound makes the Game 1000% gruselier again!!! TOP TOP TOP!!!
I can recommend this Game to anyone who is into proper Psycho Horror. As I said, hats really cohorated and taken with me properly.
What negative I can't say because I didn't notice anything. Everything was a wonderful fit.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
I played it ENDLICH through. I had it on my Hard Drive for so infinitely long, and never dared to touch it. Played a few times the first few Minutes, and then repeatedly abandoned because it was too creepy for me. However, I thought to myself now, it must be possible to get what for his Money. And actually-it was stunning, literally!
PRO: + incredibly stark Atmosphere + beautiful Level design + chic graphics (by then) + beautiful Phsyikengine in terms of objects and Doors + beautiful Puzzles + successful Soundtrack + Menacing Mood + good inventory Buildup Contra:-partly to simple Mechanics-sometimes Resource-heavy and you have to stretch back a long time because you have forgotten something-hardly any Opponents-too short-Story is not quite clear Conclusion: I would recommend it to anyone who wants a lot of Horror for small Money. It's incredibly threatening, and you get in your Pants. Per Duty! It was really Fun and I would buy it again.
This game is for the bravest ones! I’m really TOO AFRAID to play it. And this fact makes it the best horror game ever. The content here is awesome, it makes you feel terrified and nervous - like any good horror should do. I love how they made sounds, visuals and the atmosphere. Surprisingly, it’s addictive - I mean, after I realised it was very scary, I didn’t abandoned Amnesia - I still return to it from time to time.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»