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Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut review
by Clawclock

Probably the best story I've ever seen in video games.

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Microsoft from Deutsch
I'm sorry. This game is plain ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t. I love Shadowrun, I love RPGs, I love turn-based tactics, but in this case I wonder if the devs have played it themselves at all. The game's accesibility is a pain in the♥♥♥♥♥ Why the f*** can't I access any talents out of combat? What's the sense behind that? Why do I have to confirm "the door has opened" dialogue boxes? Healing out of combat (which is an absolute necessity) is one of the worst gameplay mechanics I've ever experienced. You have to click through three or four screens and boxes until one rubbish Stimpak is applied. There is no hotkeying or even a bar at the bottom whatsoever. After playing Wasteland 2 DC this is absolutely unplayable. Whoever decided this version to be some ultimate edition should rather leave the gaming industry and stop selling crap to fans of the genre and lore. I keep asking myself WHY??? If there are any immersive elements this you would hardly find them outside of dialogues and graphics. NOT RECOMMENDED! Not for anyone.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Megacorporations have replaced governments. Metahumans (Orks, Elves, etc.) live side by side with regular humanfolk (including new forms of racism). Magic has reawakened. And in the shadows, Runners do all kinds of jobs for whoever can pay them for their service. Shadowrun: Dragonfall (Directors Cut) throws you right into a run-in-progress. Your journey will last around 30-ish hours. During these, you will complete several missions for various employers - all to further your ultimate goal, as explained in the story (which I won't spoil). The story is good. Writing is good. Characters are great. Worldbuilding and Lore are atmospheric and ooze cyberpunk flair. The soundtrack is killer (no, seriously. It's just that good). It's all there: Upgradeable Skills for you (a lot) and your party (small scale, but with vast differences in resulting playstyles) Items, Weapons, Gadgets, Spells to buy or find Optional Missions and Sidestorys Tactical turn-based Combat (tink Action Points per round). What I liked + Writing, Story, Dialogues + Tactical Combat with various options + multiple ways to solve certain problems + Beautiful artstyle + killer soundtrack + themes and topics during the story made me think a lot, which I'm fond of What I didn't like - RNG-heavy combat where 90% Hit chance might mean you still miss 4 times in a row - certain scenes where enemies get to move first without you getting a chance to position your team; might result in death or severe injuries depending on your build - One Late-game mission has a severe bug which ♥♥♥♥s up your UI and hinders progressing further in the story. There is a workaround: Do not save during that certain part of the mission. If you play SR:Dragonfall, google "apex bug" before playing. I had to repeat the mission, which I'm not fond of. All in all, recommended. Sublime cyberpunk atmosphere :)