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Gears 5 review
by yaojiyue

PVE两个Co-op模式上瘾中,玩明白之后体验更佳! 游戏十分考验技巧、策略、团队协作 尤其是撤离模式下,团队协作非常重要,高难度下容错率极低,一个人的错误很容易葬送整个团队,但如果你是和朋友一起玩的话,不论是持久战还是撤离模式,体验都非常好,可以连续肝很长时间不腻 至于单人部分,叙事表现和演出是系列最佳,关卡也很有趣。保持了战争机器特色的同时还带来了许多不错的改变。 游戏的画面、音效、面部捕捉、优化都堪称完美,这对战斗体验和演出效果都有不少提升。这作战争机器迈的步子相比前作确实要大上不少。 PVP我不怎么玩,根据大佬的说法是,这作PVP对技巧和策略的要求更高,越发讲究技术。我也不懂,也不敢问。
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»

Other reviews10

It is as unfun to play as it is nice to look at.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
Honestly I couldn't tell you a single thing about the Campaign but the multiplayer is great. Gears had long since earned its spot in the discussion for premier competitive shooters.
«Better with friends»
Gears 5 pulls it off for me. I think it has the best multiplayer that any gears has had with the exception of the first one. The first is still the best but this one is second best. Also this campaign was better than the 4th. I liked the direction they tried to go. I think they could do that again but add a lot more to it, like you could make it more open world free roam and make it like a mini rpg. That would be unreal.

Visually this game is right up near the top. It’s amazing what games look like these days and gears has always looked quite good.

Hivebusters on the XSX:
Free campaign DLC this late after release is a nice developer move. The graphics look unreal. This island is very cool and does a great job showing how amazing this game looks. Gameplay is more of the same but gears combat is always fun and the set piece action sequences were not bad. The story and characters were fun. Nothing superb but pretty good. For a free dlc this was better than I thought it would be. The final bird fight was pretty good too. Cool bird.

Final Score: A
Gears 5 didn't do enough to innovate for me. I did mostly enjoy my time with it though and would recommend it to Gears fans. We'll need a bigger shake up next time around. 
Favorite Thing: I like the Gears world and the sci-fi story.
Least Favorite Thing: The Matriarch fight was a whole lot of one-hit, bullet sponge BS.

Date Completed: 2019-11-05
Playtime: 9h
Enjoyment: 7/10
Recommendation: If you've been following along, yes. If you have no attachment to Gears, probably not.