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Grand Theft Auto V review
by MrWis

Un dia de estos habia leido que GTA probablemente era "el mayor producto de entretenimiento de la historia". Lo dude mucho porque justo en ese momento estaba en las primeras horas de la campaña y no me estaba volando nada, pero mientras mas jugaba mas le daba vueltas y mas me daba cuenta de que soy un pelotudo. Hacer un juego de esta magnitud es increible, un nivel de detalle limpio y admirable aun despues de 6 años de haber salido. Todos los personajes son re carismaticos y se aseguran que, por ejemplo, si odias a un personaje tengas buenas razones de hacerlo, o de que entiendas posta de lo que va un personaje en apenas los primeros minutos que los jugas o conoces. La historia definitivamente tiene sus altibajos, momentos en los que me decia "por que chota hicieron esto tan aburrido/a quien mierda le entretiene llevar una grua", pero en mayoria me divirtio, excepto los finales, que dejan mucho que desear y hacen parecer que toda la historia fue al pedo. Por el lado del juego en si creo que no hay nada que no se sienta bien: a conduccion es simple y comoda, cuando pegas tiritos la pasas re bien porque lo llevan a lo mas simple que eso significa (pegar tiritos!), y las otras cositas que le dan vida al juego, como el celu que lo uso cuando conduzco y choco a 5 abuelas, 2 gatitos y a una tinista. Incluso los "poderes" que tiene cada pj, que estan desbalanceados y son re abusables, se siente bien que sean asi. Jugas y decis fua pensaron en todoo. Lo unico que le sale muy, muy mal, es la critica social escrita por un mono que se cree inteligente y te la spamea, pero despues por ejemplo, te hace unas criticas al patriotismo muy buenas y te las deja en misiones secundarias/de relleno que no duran nada ni parece que nadie les da bola.

Other reviews61

Still going for a reason.
The cleanest GTA gameplay yet, three playable characters and tons of multiplayer content.
Peak GTA.
The game is good, but not perfect. The world is vast and interesting, but too scripted (in particular, constantly recurring "random events"). The plot is not without flaws either. The plot is excellent and at first it seems that everything is great, but then you realize that there is a lot not implemented in this game. For example, Franklin has not been given due attention. You are given only one mission "a la San Andreas", and then they flush his line down the toilet. Trevor is good, but his line quickly slides down as soon as he arrives in town. Michael has a single sustained line, but very standard and cliched. The robberies are surprising at first, but by the 3rd robbery they start to get boring. Overall a cult game, but with a lot of hidden problems.
«Better with friends»
Finally got to to play this game. I get why people contest this with GTA IV for the best gta game. But frankly both are entirely on different spectrums. GTA IV is more grounded and lets you connect with the protagonist more. In GTA V, its all about over the top scenarios and high octane action sequences.  
GTA V is much larger with a densely packed Los Santos with a ton of stuff to do. 

Loved this game
«Can’t stop playing»
love how free flowing it is
«Buggy as hell»
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
«Sit back and relax»
It looks fantastic and it plays smoothly. Trevor, Michael and Franklin are fun characters with great interactions. The story is pretty good and has tons of great missions.
More than a worthy sequel to the franchise
yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooit good
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
I only recommend half of this game. If you're interested in primarily the online, do not get your hopes up. It is extremely grindy and monetized like a free to play game. Most missions are bland and largely not worth doing from both a reward and fun perspective. Lobbies are also plagued with griefers and hackers.

Now onto the good half, story mode. Story mode offers a fun narrative with decent set pieces. The structure of the game does feel dated though. I know the game is called Grand theft Auto but there is so much brain dead driving back and forth, only being made somewhat bearable when dialogue is happening. Almost every mission, you need to drive to, then watch a cutscene, then drive somewhere else to do some shooting (or some other set piece); rinse and repeat. However, when you are not doing an excessive amount of driving, the missions are pretty enjoyable. Side missions though are a mixed bag. Some are good and others you're driving a slow tow truck to cover someone's job. Despite, all my gripes I still had a very good time with this game and I'd like to attribute this to the larger than life characters, heists, and set pieces.
«Beaten more than once»