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Die Young review
by Shane Ryan

The free running in this game felt great, the story was okay, but the lack of knowledge given about what you are trying to do at any one stage made this game a bit of a slog - only the gameplay and my illogical need to finish everything i start kept me coming back - But I felt relieved when this one was over.
«Game over at last!»

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review The Young is a Survival game in the Style of ... Yes, in whose Styles at all. The Fact is that Die Young does a lot of things right and has a lot of Elements from other Games in it. Collecting Herbs, a Crafting System, Opponents ... And Quests and a Story. The Main Story, of course, is clearly to come down from the Island. As Far as seen, as far as heard. Have already been a number Of games of this Kind. However, this Game does a lot differently and you can only see that as a Positive. First of all, there are strong Opponents. Most Opponents should be bypassed as much as possible, at least at the Beginning, whether you can still make Weapons later, I don't know, but for Dogs or Humans the Crowbar is so simply not strong enough. Here you can hope for the quicktime event when one attacks one dog and then turns off this usually successful Keystroke Bashing. You would now say, "Well, again, quicktime events" It's not necessarily something negative. First of all, the Game world is, in my Opinion, quite large so far. There is a large Area where you can go anywhere without Loading Times. Only if you hike from Shelter to Shelter comes a short loading Time. A Kind of fast travel system. The Positive Thing I am seeing, however, is already existing numerous Quest, where I have certainly not yet found all of them. But the Quest Ranges from "freeing a Prisoner by caring the Key," finding an Object to get to the next Quest Area, because here, too, a Gate blocks the Way. Where many Games then say, "Then do it," "there are significant Clues in the Diaries here." For example, one learns that one has stolen the Key and stormed out of the Window. There are no Other Hints, of course, but looking for it is still quite exciting. The Memory Points are set quite fairly. There Are Bonfires where you can save again and again pretty much in any important Place. But you're wondering for sure now: What elements do the Developers take to make the Game exciting? First Of all, in many places you are not sure what has resulted for a great many Deaths for me. The Poison of the Snakes ensures that you lose Life very quickly and also get thirsty even faster, at least that was the case in my Opinion. And just the Snakes make the Game just like to span, because You can hear the Rustling in the Grass you should either run away or keep your Eyes open, because Snakes are next to Rats the lightest Opponents in the Game so far, at least as far as I've just played. It gets Interesting with the Spring and Skill Passages. One of those who has watched described these Passages as Tomb Raider in 1st Person, but you can even if you jump away over Tree Trunks, climb on Rocks, under logs through gliden. Say it reminded me a little of Mirrors Edge. Another Positive Point for me is that the Character is not pale, he has a background story. You see your Character when you look down at yourself, see the Legs, the Arms, etc., during Jumping. In General, I have nothing negative about the Game to be exposing so far. What I realized was that I didn't get a Night after Hours of Playing, which is not a Negative Point, but the Early Access is due. The Game is just not finished yet, but is definitely on the right track to become one of the best single player survival games. Pro:-big Game world-Many Quests-story-no pale Character-Paranoia (because of these Snakes)-very good Synchronization Contra:-I die too much:-) Fun aside. EInen Contrapunkt just doesn't have the Game for me yet. It's not finished on a lot of Things yet, but Bugs or anything like that I haven't experienced yet. I don't know yet whether the Story is already playable. That'S why this Review applies purely to the first 7 hours of Play.