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Sunset Overdrive review
by xXWoodinatorXx

This game is over rated... or maybe that’s not really fair but for someone who just played it now, maybe it just didn’t age well. The story is super dumb. It tries to be funny by breaking the 4th wall and mocking typically gamer things but the jokes fall flat throughout. The combat and mobility of the game is pretty fun. It’s the main thing the game has going for it...but it’s still not that amazingly fun. It’s reasonable, it has its moments. But idk. Maybe it’s just hard to be impressed with the mobility in the game after you’ve played Spider-Man. And I’m sure the graphical design was impressive back when it came out at launch but it is obviously very old now.

Final Score: B+

Other reviews11

Completed as of writing this review: Base Game with some optional things.

Jet Set Radio + Third-Person Shooter + Zombie-Apocalypse, packed with some cool punk-rock music, vibrant art style, and very satirical humor, which often breaks the 4th wall (but in a good way). This is this game in summary. It's fun, hilarious, and will not get you bored (well, aside from a very small amount of long missions and night defense). I'd recommend it to people, who are looking for a non-serious, cartoony game that will always keep you moving in its action-packed open-world environment.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
One of the best Tony Hawk games

Insomniac has never made a bad game.
This game reward you for being jumpy and it feeling amazing when you kill a hoard of enemies without touching the ground
Translated by
Microsoft from French
This game reminds me of the first tony hawk skatboarding games, but with big guns and infected in it. Add tons of funny jokes and you got sunset overdrive! Totally worth 20$, i could pay more if i had to for this masterpiece. So glad it finally came to PC. 10/10
Translated by
Microsoft from French
A game I've been waiting for a long time and I'm so glad it's finally on PC! This is my favorite game and I was disappointed that it was in excluded Xbox one. Finally a game with new personalisation possibilities! A humor that crosses the fourth wall and rock music! Just perfect!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Sunset Overdrive I have it wipe in 2014 on Xbox and I will twist it again on PC thanks! For those who never did, dark the games is to acherter the eyes close so much that it is good! Ultra fluid gameplay, very original weapons, the 4th walls break, language jouisif... and encode plain something else! Buy to kiffer a good about 20h with the main quest and some secondary.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Lazy port of a fantastic Xbox one game. Issues with resolution, stuttering, controls... Few graphic settings. Some exclusive console games should remain exclusive. Lazy Portage of a great game. Cannot change the resolution of the game in the menus. Big trouble with performance. frequent FPS falls. In some places (boss of Bora Bora) it jerks off to death. and becomes unplayable. Sometimes they'd better not fit the excluded consoles on PC if it's to have such a result.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Humor, gameplay, rhythm, story... It's all there. In short this game is a killing, I strongly advise all amateurs of the genre. Obviously we find the baston, the Gore, the valves of phew and explosions in TT the senses, halfway between a Duke Nukem of the time and Resident Evil (for the story), even dubbing in French is excellent. It's been way too long since I had no more burst like this in a video games on PC. One detail, if you plan to play keyboard/mouse forget it's going to be complicated.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
After an Hour on Steam and hundreds on the XBox One I have to say that Game is SUPER! The Story is pretty much off and funny over and over again. The Characters fit into the crazy Game with their crazy Mindset. The Gameplay is mega. Jump-n Run together with a TPS go together amazingly well. The Weapons and the Amps make this Game even better. The Graphics offer few Customizable Settings but so many Do not need the Game. I mean on my Garbage PC it runs too. The Game looks great for the "bad" graphics settings. In the Case of the Collectible objects, the Design was given to a great deal and they were well and obviously hidden. If You like Jump're Run and or a good TPS, you should definitely get the Game. "Don OVERthink it. Just buy it!"
While not as visually appealing, emotional or mechanically deep as, for example, InFamous: Second Son. Sunset Overdrive manages to do two things really well: it has one of the most fluid, combo-filled and exciting world traversal systems I've ever seen, and the selection of guns makes you unconsciously giggle like a child when you bombard hoards of OD (local zombies) with exploding Teddy bears.

And while the story is nothing special, the characters are flatter than the face of OD ran over by the train, Sunset Overdrive still manages to keep you engaged, giving you more weapons, more enemies, and even trickier terrain to navigate.

If you have an Xbox - I definitely recommend picking this one up, if you're into some light-hearted destruction filled with countless 4th wall jokes and backed by a decent soundtrack.