Das Gameplay ist das gleiche wie bei anderen interaktiven Romanen. Spieler tippen auf den Bildschirm / klicken mit der Maus, um die Geschichte durchzugehen, und können in entscheidenden Momenten Entscheidungen treffen. Neben dem Klicken, um durch die Geschichte zu gehen und zu entscheiden, welcher Mann bis heute ist, hat der Spieler auch die Möglichkeit, Mark dabei zu helfen, seine Beziehungen zu Penny und Ian zu verbessern oder seine akademischen Leistungen zu verbessern, indem er studiert und arbeitet, um Geld zu verdienen. Sobald ein erotisches Bild während des Spiels freigeschaltet wurde, ist es in der "Galerie" verfügbar und kann jederzeit angezeigt werden. Der Spieler hat auch die Wahl, die Bart- und Körperhaaroptionen für jeden der Männer individuell anzupassen und sie auf seinen persönlichen Geschmack abzustimmen.
Ein Update des Spiels ermöglicht Mark den Zugriff auf neun zusätzliche Bonusdaten, die über die "Brofinder" -App im Hauptmenü initiiert werden und viel kürzer als die Daten im Hauptspiel sind und normalerweise nur zwei oder drei Bilder für die Galerie freischalten.

«Beaten more than once»
Other reviews3
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Just played one route yet (Alex)...
And OMG this is the kind of game I was looking for for so long.
Of course I play the uncensored version, because... I mean let's be serious who wants to play the censored one?
The art is nice, I love the customizations.
Just playing Alex's Route made me love this so much, I literally can't handle the sexiness of this game. YES!
BUT I think they could have given us more H-Moments, I mean you play like 2 hours, develop the story with your guy, then it gets to it's hot final stage... and it lasts like for less than a minute? And that's what I played for?
That is the only CON I found (so far) but besides that. This game is awesome guys!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
I loved playing this game! I wonder what he will book us again...
Exploring all the narrative frames took me a lot of time but discovering each decision tree would have been one of the most fun things I've done this year. It's very refreshing to play a game where you don't want to take the lead. Very good to relax.
Negative: translation files are still not available to fans so that the Community translates the game for itself. So the game is 100% in English but you have to see the good side of playing an original language game: the humor that is present in coming out on top is a huge nugget and translating it would be missing something.
A purchase that I absolutely do not regret!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Microsoft from French
A gay flirting game...
I bought it to support the initiative (yeah good, OK, it dates from 2013, I think, I'm late, but the heart is there!).
I did not particularly know this kind of game, but this one conquered me!
The scenario is simplistic, a little cliché on the romantic plane, but the characters, gay and straight, are well worked and without traditional clichés that we see everywhere (like Zaza Napoli ^^).
A big highlight is writing! What I laughed! It's funny and always well placed, never ridiculous.
I also really liked the "rewind": when you make a choice or miss a sentence, you can go back and catch up. This allows us to make several choices of dialogues that provoke different reactions, sometimes hilarious!
Last point: it's very touching! Relationships are not those of the style of pornographic films: "Hello, I'm a plumber, I'll take care of your pipes!", it's really scripted and well written (I repeat myself but it is the word master).
I put an alert however: ATTENTION, there are sex scenes! It's blurted out, but still (even if we can get it all out! ^^)! If you don't expect it, it sends a paté! ^^ I'm gay, so I wasn't embarrassed, but I was surprised anyway.