The Best Games of All Time
Yeah, I said it. Fight me.
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Far Cry 5's story was such a steaming pile of shit. Far Cry 4 is still best Far Cry.I've lost count of how many times I've played back through this, and I've never had the exact same experience twice.…
The indisputable, all-time King of all side-scrolling platformers.Nothing better came before, and nothing better will follow.The genre peaked here.
Ah, the first generation of Pokémon.The games that (along with the anime and TCG) launched a dynasty.Sure, newer versions look prettier, and since the DS, have more novel control schemes, but Red and …
Ya know, I loved Fallout 3.I played the absolute shit out of it when it was new, while I was in Iraq....but this absolutely cleared the hurdle set by 3, with room to spare.It's not just that the graph…
The MMO against which all other MMOs are measured, and for good reason.Dozens of supposed "WoW-killers" have come and gone during WoW's reign, and I think it's safe to bet that dozens more will follow…
Yes, it had problems when it was released. Yes, the community had to step in to fix them.But absolutely nothing about its development or early life speaks to what an amazing game it turned out to be.P…
An absolutely worthy successor to Super Mario World, which introduced much of the world to 3D games in general.It's honestly still astonishing to me that they released this game in 1996, and that it s…