Average Playtime: 4 hours

Almost Alive

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Almost Alive is a tactical role playing game in a mad post apocalyptic world with an awesome real time combat system! Forge your character physical and mental abilities by recovering your memories trough vengeance in a crazy post apocalyptic world full of mutations and mysteries and decide of the human kind fate after your brutal survival journey.

“Men had enough of money dictatorship, they decided to fight mass propaganda using capitalists tools of information warfare. To fight back, the leaders in the shadows released a virus that unfortunately mutated. To contain humans turning into beasts the established order used the final instrument: the world was ravaged by nuclear fire and any remaining form of life was struggling for survival.”Features :
_Unique fast paced, tactical and versatile combat system : Use covers, traps and advanced tactics to fight smart opponents or reflexes and movement to fight swarm type mutant hoards.

_Multitude of approaches and huge replay ability : Choose who you side with or go fully solo if you’re a psychopath. Help, manipulate, betray allies, etc…

_Fully hand drawn 2.5D game : Every animation was drawn on paper, each draw scanned and reworked on computer, giving the game an unique identity!

_Make an unique build based on 6 archetypes with over 115 skills, 98 traits and madness making each character unique: Acts have consequences on the story but also on your character sanity.

_Destroy everything or sneak behind enemy lines : Sneak, steal, talk, drug, throw, trap, lock-pick, barricade, breach…

_More than 192 weapons, 106 armors ,18 throwables, 18 drugs, 100 items…

_Depending on collected funds :
_Epic arcade style boss battles
_An open and dynamic world including world events that unfold with, or without you
_Mad Vehicles for fastest world map movement but also to fight bosses.
_Full real time strategy squad commands with an advanced squad-based tactical AI
_Multiplayer and console portability

I am Emir Cerimovic and Almost Alive is eight years of drawing, coding, game designing… all done by myself. I decided to make this game and have been drawing, animating, learning how to code, and building this game with passion to have all the elements and details I want.

Inspired by classic role playing and tactical games with high development standards like Fallout 1&2, Jagged alliance 2 or Wastelands, Almost alive was my dream of the perfect tactical role playing game with a great real time combat system that features character mental sanity as one of the core elements of the game. You can explore a huge world, make friends, use or steal them, find tons of loot, make traps, sneak, destroy everything, fight smart enemies or mutants using your character skills and abilities… The simple looking real time, fast paced combat system is hiding a highly complexe engine using tons of information from your character sheet, the objects your character is using and other elements like your character moral or his sanity in order to decide of timers for a successful aim, recoil of a weapon, the maximum accuracy when walking or running while gunning, the effectiveness of a cover, etc…
Release date
Emir Cerimovic
Emir Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: win7
  • Processor: 2 cores
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: any
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • OS: win7
  • Processor: 4 cores
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: any
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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1 edit
Help the weak
Get rid of the raiders for the Wastelanders
Junky lover
Help Ripper get his drug and kill the dealer he's stealing
Insult everyone under madness effect
Bring a guitar to Mobydick
Too manly
Recruit the raider Stone
view all achievements
32 items

Almost Alive reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review of the potential but has the current time the content goes for a demo
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review https://youtu.be/caQ7jNnb7nI dev's: Emir Cerimovic a good surprise, this game is just top, see also brain out free game.. So this game is a survival game, with a good skill tree, a zest fallout
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Reminds me of the Old Fallout who liked the first Part of the Fallout franchise this Game Love I've only played it 2 Hours and I've fallen in love with this Game the Perk Tree is innovative the Conversational Possibilities are very good about And who just wants to kill everything is possible! Personally, I like the Kind of Style. 9/10
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Almost Alive a 2D, bloody RPG Game. The Game Mechanics are mature, the Graphics have their own Style of very good Fits, the Dialogues are very entertaining, the AI is inteligent and not only runs against the Wall, the Game you can see more or less as Hardcore, because if you forgot to "Sleep" ( Save) then you'll have a very hard time. All I do is lack Base building, Team Commands and the dynamic Map. These Things are already on the Developer'S Todo list. By and large, the Game is very good and the €9.99t fit.
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Microsoft from French
Product received for free early access review if you are a fan of RPG/action/tactics rich and coherent, post-APO Mad Max style and first fallout, action games in 2.5 D with a very nice artistic direction, Gore of violence and Hu mour, sometimes that can sometimes be punitive especially at first, with a very skill tree provides, a complete character creation, funny and wacky (even more than fallout), with a full RP, choices of dialogues and a world that fit your way to play and talk, with NPC or non-fatal quests, tons of weapons, equipment and objects, this bead is worth its €10, go and buy this game with your eyes closed. Check out SJF's assessment if you want to fall in love with the game! (do not rely on my low number of hours of play, I played a lot offline)
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