Average Playtime: 2 hours

Binary Domain

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Humanity has just solved problems like global warming - with the help of robots. Robot assistants were American, behaved correctly and differed from people clearly. But one madman from Tokyo began to produce robots that do not know that they are robots - and this can be understood because they look and behave exactly like people. This is a violation of the law, and the team of pros from different countries flies to Japan to forever stop the conveyor of the insane inventor. Robots with problems of self-identification can provide a variety for those fans of tactical shooters who are tired of terrorists and zombies.
The game has visually attractive features. The style of opponents, the style of equipping the team of heroes are very attractive and original. Some details of the battles are well presented - bullets knock out picturesque clouds of debris. Locations are less expressive - apparently, so as not to interfere with focusing on the actual combat. A notable feature of the gameplay is the dependence of the relationship in the team on the player's actions. If the team has bad mutual support - lower trust, lower trust - lower effectiveness in combat.

Release date
Devil's Details
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.66 GHz or AMD equivalent
  • Memory: 2GB RAM (XP)/3GB RAM (Windows 7 / Vista)
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT220 (512MB) / ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT (512MB)
  • Hard Drive: 8 GB free hard drive space
  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 2.66 GHz or AMD equivalent
  • Memory: 3GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 (1GB) / ATI Radeon HD 5750 (1GB)
  • Hard Drive: 8 GB free hard drive space

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox 360

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Last Modified: Feb 19, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox 360 Store

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Binary Domain: Official Gameplay Trailer
Apr 28, 2011
TALKING TRASH - Binary Domain Gameplay
Jul 1, 2018
Binary Domain : Binary Domain
Jun 21, 2012
Binary Domain - Gameplay Trailer (PS3, Xbox 360)
Apr 28, 2011
Two Best Friends Play Binary Domain (Part 01)
Feb 9, 2018
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Binary Domain - FULL GAME Walkthrough Gameplay No Commentary
Dec 5, 2019
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Binary Domain - [Part 1]
Birthdary Domain | Binary Domain | PS3
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Binary Domain reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
For all the gamers who look for: > a realy good shooter > a fantastic, not stupid story > a very good price for a very good game This one is the right game for you! It's not too long and if you like games like Mass Effect you will love it too. There are many kinds or enemy types you have to fight again. And every new one lookes better than the last. I realy had a lot of fun while playing Binary Domain. The different caracters make the game very interesting! You can choose your own teammates for different parts in the game. And every combine of caracters does open you a new chance of team talking and funny sequences. I give you the tip to play with the controller and skipp of the mice and the said control! I realy hope there will come a second part!!!!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
After the first 1.5 Hours I am very excited. Modern Action Game with cinematic Action, good Story and immediately totally symphatic Main Characters. That's more than many other Games offer. The linear Action I like very much every now and then, I don't need an open world in every Game, where every Desk has to be searched on the go. This Game is directly accessible, and after a Well-rehearsed Evening, I reluctantly make up the Game; Looking forward to playing it on. But I already have One Criticism: WHO, for Heaven's Sake, has bent this foul PC control!? Annoying. This is much better done in games similar To Mass Effect 2. Still, that won't stop me from continuing to play, and that definitely means something.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Binary Domain is an overall successful Action Game. The Campaign is entertaining Despite the abstruse history and some Clichés and the Combat System is also working. The Cover battles are Fun and the various upgrade options motivate you to Continue playing. During The Course Of the game, of course, the brachial Boss fights and the entertaining Intermediate Events stand out. A little Disappointment, however, is spreading in the Face of Speech recognition. Here, the already somewhat tired AI comrades reacted even more hesitantly than with Tastenkommandos and all in all the list of words detected is even too short. In view of the frenzied Battles, therefore, it makes only Limited sense to resort To Voice radio. However, If you disregard this Shortcoming, Binary Domain is certainly worth its Money. 8/10 Points
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Binary Domain is a Cover shooter That is played in the Third-Person View. You are fighting against tons of Robots in Japan in 2080. Here are the plus And Minus points: Plus points graphic yet ok-Sound I find good-futuristic Story with some Twists at the End-team members fight alongside you-you can choose team members-you can buy Weapon upgrades and Improvement at Vending machines- Playing Time of 9 Hours is quite ok-Lots of Action, almost too much in some Places-cool robots and Bosses-the low Prize-high Entertainment Factor Minus points-team members often run in front of the Weapon-team members give funny Commentary-Quick time events Nerve and are needlessly-too much Action at a time, hardly quiet Game phases control!!!!!! If you can live with the Minus Points, you will have a lot of Fun with the Game. I couldn't test Multiplayer because I didn't find any Players.
Dere ain't no such fing as enuff dakka!
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