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Experience the ultimate expression of the series with “Direct X”!
[Features of the Windows version]
One feature of the Windows version is the ability to set detailed graphic settings, like number of characters displayed, draw distance, and so on, based on your PC’s specs.
For those using high spec PCs, using the highest settings optimizes DirectX11’s capabilities, allowing for improved battlefield graphics and amazingly smooth gameplay at a high frame rate.
Also, since it is possible to customize the controls, you can create a control scheme that you enjoy for the best game play experience.
[Features of BLADESTORM: Nightmare]
◆A new type of Action Game! Lead squads to drive the enemy into oblivion!
Players become mercenaries in the Hundred Years War and lead squads of fighters, made up of anything from footmen, bowmen, and horsemen to elephant troops, cannon troops, and siege weapons, across dynamically changing battlefield on a mission to guide his side to victory.
Players control squads of men, using unique Actions to devastate the enemy for an innovative and thrilling experience. With each trooper, both enemy and ally, guided by its own AI, the savage clash between large forces are painted in breath-taking intensity and shocking reality.
◆The Thrill and Strategy of controlling 4 squads of up to 200 Troops!
Players can switch between up to 4 squads. Switching between squads allow them to act over a wider area. Also, combining squads into an army of up to 200 men allow players to make powerful concerted attacks and combos based on the attacking squad, all for an exciting new game-play experience that combines the thrill of action and the depth of strategy.
◆A Richer Story Mode with the inclusion of Nightmare!
In the “Hundred Years War”, players enjoy a free mission system that allows them to experience the battle from the viewpoints of both the English and the French. Meeting and interacting with such heroes of history as Joan of Arc and Edward, the Black Prince, brings the story to vivid life.
In addition to this, we have included an original Nightmare mode involving huge monsters such as dragons and cyclops. The heroes of history are called upon to fight once more, as England and France join together in common cause to fight mysterious monsters in an entirely new take on the world of the Hundred Years War.
◆A New Game Experience using the latest technologies and introducing exciting new elements!
The latest graphic technologies have been used to create the amazing battles of a Medieval battleground. We have also included an online multiplayer function, a revised character edit mode and assorted other new features for an enjoyable new game experience.

Release date
Koei Tecmo
Koei Tecmo Games, Tecmo Koei America
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 (64bit required)
  • Processor: Core i7 870 2.8GHz or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 640*480 pixel over, High Color
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 12 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c over
  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 (64bit required)
  • Processor: Core i7 2600 3.4GHz or better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1980*1080 pixel over, True Color, 16:9 display
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 12 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c over

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 3

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jun 19, 2023

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store

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1 edit
Obtained an S rank in all battles in the Nightmare scenario.
Initiated an attack with an army of over 200 soldiers.
Completed Diary in the 100 Years War scenario.
Unlocked all usable characters in the Hundred Years' War scenario.
Unlocked all usable characters in the Nightmare scenario.
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38 items
Anime History Lessons
Being a derp with armies
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34 items

BLADESTORM: Nightmare reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Absolutely not recommended! Here are the Reasons for this: 1. Technical Problems-Launcher partially doesn't work-Launcher loads the Game in Japanese-Full screen mode is not possible with many-Launcher makes problems with Windows 10-Many have a bad one despite good Hardware Game Performance-Configuration window is in Japanese, you have to figure out how to put it in English-Works with many not via the Steam launcher, must be started manually via .exe 2. Gameplay-A Controller is most strongly recommended, but I value Not negative-There are few Innovations to the previous one for the Xbox-Feels like the old Blade Stall only with other Campaign-Is graphically almost the same as the old Xbox version 3rd Other-High Price is absolutely not justified-Plays like an extremely bad Ko nsolen-Port-awkward to get it to run at All, thus unsuitable for Steam 4. Positive-Well implemented character creation-Good Voice Actors and adequate Soundtrack-Varied Troops to hire conclusion: Honestly, don't buy it. If you have your Predecessor, you almost already have the whole Game. There's nothing really great new except for the Nightmare campaign. The Game is poorly adapted to the PC and prepares a lot of unnecessary Work to get it started at all. At worst, the Game doesn't run, at best only In window mode. Thank you for giving it Steam Refund.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
So first of all: I can understand some of the negative Reviews, the Game certainly doesn't meet all The tastes. In Principle, the Probability here is to be happy much higher if you are already a Fan of the Warriors Series. Don't Like those Kind of play, then finger away. If one does not know what is meant, one should rather get a Part of the last Dynasty Warriors, which is artisanally flawless and therefore probably a better Entry Point. What I liked about Bladestorm in Comparison is that you don't play a completely overpowering Hero, but you're just really strong with its Mercenary unit and can control more And more troops as The game progresses. The first Campaign unfortunately has a small Handover until you trigger the next story section, but otherwise it's made nice. The Story is not overly great told now and the Battles are as historically accurate as a Broadcast with Guido Knopp (Elephants, Camels, Ancient Roman Legionnaires, Wizards, all of these probably existed in the century-old War), but the Battles make you feel Good. I find them at least pretty good to completely empty and switch off the Mind in the evening after Work for an Hour ^^ Otherwise I have read here more often that Players Have Promblems with larger Frame Rops, constant Abrasifets and partly not functioning Controllers. For the most Part, I don't have the problems, the Game runs very smoothly on the highest Settings and my Ural Microsoft Controller does its Service like any Warriors part. However, I also have Crashes: Every time I start the game, the Picture freezes completely within the first 10-15 Minutes of Play and I can only finish via the Taskmanager. I then Restart running it for hours without Crashing. Until I restart the Computer and restart the Game. Can be reproduced every time. Meanwhile, I start the Game, shoot it down via the Taskmanager after loading a Score and go in again = Game runs through to the next quit without Crashing. Very curious, but luckily calculable. Therefore: Purely objectively, I would have to evaluate it negatively, also with Regard to the current rather outrageous Regular Steamper price of 59.99 Euros, but because I still have Fun with it gets a lover's thumb high from me;)
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