Breakthrough (KaiverKreates)
Short rogue-like made for the Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2(Theme- Let There Be Chaos)
"Don't trust your senses."
"None of it is real. NONE!"
"It can change what you see and hear. Nothing around you is defined, everything is random. The AI prevents any predictability in the system."
"Something will prevent you from breaking through, kill it before it multiplies and you will reach yourself. Goodluck."
Loads of guns, Tons of powerups, and a heck lotta enemies, which will multiply if they live. The visuals will keep changing. Will you adapt or will you lose?
You win when no enemy is left alive.
DevNote: The bluescreens aren't crashes. They appear when you run out of health or when you complete the game. There's a reason I made them that way which will shared in the future ;).