Average Playtime: 2 hours

Bully: Scholarship Edition

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Set in Bullworth Academy, a fictional British private school, this game tells about school bullying and the troublesome period of growing to adolescence. You assume the role of Jimmy Hopkins, a 15-year-old boy and a “problem child”, who was already kicked out of many schools for his misbehavior.

Gameplay in Bully is reminiscent of that in Grand Theft Auto games (made by the same Rockstar Games), albeit on a smaller scale. You, as Jimmy, walk around an open world of Bullworth Academy and its surroundings, finding new optional missions that may get you into trouble and fun at the same time. You can pick fights with other hooligans, fire at your schoolmates with a slingshot, drop stink bombs, ride a skateboard, and break into others’ lockers, as long as you don’t get caught by the teachers. You will also attend classes and perform exercises, which are rendered as mini-games. A smaller world, compared to GTA, means fewer characters, but each major character is interactive, fleshed out, and unique. The characters are split between several factions, or “cliques”, and Jimmy will have to complete specific missions to earn their respect. Completed tasks will also provide Jimmy with trophies that he will store in his room to commemorate his successes.

Release date
Rockstar New England
Rockstar Games
Age rating
13+ Teen
Parent game

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 (3+ GHZ) / AMD Athlon 3000+
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0c Shader 3.0 supported, Nvidia 6800 or 7300 or better, ATI Radeon X1300 or better
  • DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 4.7 GB free space
  • Sound Card: DX9-compatible
  • Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Xbox 360 Controller supported

System requirements for Wii

System requirements for Xbox 360

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Last Modified: Mar 1, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox 360 Store

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    Bully: Scholarship Edition reviews and comments

    Peak Rockstar.
    Super fun missions, likeable and hateable characters, a good map with lots to find and do.
    Honestly better than GTA
    «Blew my mind»
    Underrated Rockstar banger.
    A great story, fun combat and stellar mission and world design.
    Steer clear of the PC port, that one is absolutely broken.
    «Blew my mind»
    «OST on repeat»
    man i love this game so much. i've played and beaten it around 3 times and i keep wanting to go back to it from time to time, it's my favorite thing ever. and also the theme is just awesome. 100/10
    «Just one more turn»
    «Can’t stop playing»
    Very much of its time, and that makes it hard to revisit.  But its a unique game that has cemented itself as a cult classic, so i'd recommend it to an enthusiast.
    The game is fantastic but spare yourself and don't play it on PC
    Translated by
    Microsoft from French
    Excellent game create by Rockstar! It dates a little but remains a great reference! There are also a lot of points Comun between GTA and this game:-great MAP (which includes a whole University but not only!)-dialogues wanted (vulgarity, humor, sex... Everything is going on!) -Numerous and well diversified quests! -Pervasive violence but not that... Skill competition for example! You are put into the skin of a student for the least undisciplined, who finds it forcibly incorporated into this University. On that the re-entry will not be any rest!
    Translated by
    Microsoft from French
    Bully is one of those games that are unforgettable, because it's a sum of the conditions that make a game amazing. Released in 2004 on PS2, then a little reworked a few years later for releases on the consoles of the 7th generation, this is probably one of the best games I could have the chance to play. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735077534 and yet... When we look at the screenshots, the cinematics filthy with ugly characters, the old decorations, we naturally say that this game must be foul. Only thing that hiss it, it was thought and realized by the great brains of the video game that are the Houser brothers, that is all the creativity of Rockstar Games to them both. Hard to imagine that a game with the object of adolescence and school can be thrilling? This game is upsetting everything, both by its excellence. You play as Jimmy, a boy ignored by his mother and future budding offender, who integrates into the social system of the Bullworth Academy and its surroundings. This game is indeed a pretty simple caricature, but yet real from the social pyramid in the studies, in plain, there are the normal students, the nice but silly nerds, the cool but dumb sportsmen, and the sons of pretentious Bourges. Your role is to climb into this pyramid through extremely thrilling missions (I assure you that if), through challenges and Brawl. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=735830965 however, it is hard enough to start the game since it is, at least at first, quite annoying. It is only by progressing in missions, by assimilating the basics, that you start to really burst. Thing though quite regrettable, if the game is extremely fun when you make the story, it becomes sadly annoying when you finish it... As such, I advise you to make several backups at different times in history to be able to access them more easily. An excellent game that I really do not regret to have discovered a few years ago, and even if it's been a long time since I played there, I can only advise you, just by nostalgia for the period or I only lit my console to play.
    best Rockstar game ever.
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