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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

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As of February 13th, 2019, you can purchase the Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Special Episode DLC to continue your journey with eighteen new challenges, including five brand-new courses. Purchase and download this content before March 14th for early access to one of the courses! The remainder of the DLC will be available on March 14th. Naturally, you can play all of the courses with a friend or alone. Either way, you’ll dodge dangers and track treasures across many trap-filled miniature worlds; some are even based on the Super Mario Odyssey™ game!
Captain Toad stars in his own puzzling quest on the Nintendo Switch™ system! Our stubby hero must dodge dangers and track treasures across many trap-filled courses. Survive smoldering volcanoes, hazardous steam engines, haunted houses, and even new courses based on the Super Mario Odyssey™ game! Luckily, a second player can join in by tossing turnips at enemies.
Play anytime, anywhere, and anyway you want—even in two-player mode using a pair of Joy-Con™ controllers on one Nintendo Switch system—in TV mode or Tabletop mode. You could also play alone in handheld mode! No matter what, explore each puzzling course for treasure, like hidden Super Gems and Power Stars. As you reclaim the treasure stolen by the monstrous, greedy bird, Wingo, you’ll eventually be able to play as Toadette! These tiny heroes must waddle, hide, pluck, chuck, and power-up through enemy-infested locales like towers, wild-west shanties, and Goomba waterparks—all bursting with secrets. Aim your head-mounted flashlight at adventure!

Release date
Age rating
0+ Everyone

System requirements for Wii U

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for Nintendo 3DS

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Last Modified: Jan 25, 2025

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Nintendo Store

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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker reviews and comments

captain toad looks & feels great to play, so much so that I 100% completed it on my WiiU. The only problem being that the game feels too easy and the later levels that challenged me was due to it's poor movement instead of its puzzles
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
This is a really underrated title from the Super Mario universe. The game is a bit short for its own good, but that might be the only major flaw that I can lobby towards it. The puzzles are well-thought-out, inventive, and fun, as are the powerups. You would think that not having a jump ability makes these levels slow and boring, but there is quite a bit of excitement to be had in each of these stages, whether they are tests of time or whether you can survive with all of your Toad clones intact. The gameplay loop is very relaxing and the extra challenges are enjoyable while tying well to the level design (which is excellent, by the way). Overall, this one is worth a try if you have a compatible system/find it for a good price. As Dunkey said, it's not a life-changing game or anything, but most people will get a lot of enjoyment out of this one. Definitely recommended!

Overall: 8.5/10
«Just one more turn»
«Sit back and relax»

+ Tinkering with levels is satisfying
+ Collectibles/challenges add tiny replay value

- Never was given any motivation
- Cheap, recycled cutscenes and boss fights
- Short, but still grew dull
The general gameplay is good fun, with the unique hook being that each level is a floating diorama that must be tilted and spun to look at from every angle - making controlling the camera just as important as controlling Toad himself. These environments are as varied as they are gorgeous - being an isolated cube floating in an endless void lets the game go from desert world to creepy Luigi's Mansion style world one after the other - although that does make them feel completely disconnected from each other in what is supposed to be one long expedition. There are plenty of levels, and each can be replayed 3 times in different ways if you want to, but there's no forced incentive to do so because the game is confident in how fun they are. There are some setpieces that manage to be truly impressive in how much spectacle they provide while sticking wholly to the game's isometric style and Toad's limiting skillset, such as a beautiful train level and even boss fights. Even with all those levels there is one type that sticks out as head-and-shoulders above the rest: The minecart levels, but they're woefully under-represented as they make up only 4 of the 82 stages. These levels are the closest thing we've ever got (and likely ever will, sadly) to a Pokémon Snap sequel and I replayed them a bunch of times each. Aiming with the Switch's gyro controls you travel down a fixed minecart track, throwing turnips at all and sundry to rack up the biggest score you can, having to look all around you to find all the hidden objects and bonuses.

One of two big negatives is the controls: the game staunchly refuses to let you change the keybinds, which wouldn't be such a problem if camera zoom (something you'll be wanting to use more often in this game than any other) was mapped to the triggers rather than as a three stage toggle on the x button that you had to swap through every time you had to zoom in a bit. Far more annoying is that neither handheld or docked mode is quite perfect, so you'll have to be constantly switching between the two if you want to have the best time you can. The Switch is wide enough that mandatory touch controls - using the middle third of the screen to interact with wheels and blocks in particular - is annoying even for someone with huge hands, and while the docked mode's pointer makes THOSE levels much more fun there's the glaring omission that you can't aim with it in the cannon or minekart levels, forcing you to switch back to handheld because those excellent levels wouldn't be half as fun (or possible) without gyroscopic aiming.

The other downside is the repetition. Everything I just gushed about in the first paragraph is from the first "episode" of four and while the puzzles are of course new, everything else - cutscenes, setpieces, and bosses - are all the same as the first time around. They're tweaked in subtle ways, making them JUST different enough to still be fun rather than feeling like a waste of time, but if they'd put in the effort and creativity for new bosses as good as the first two rather than repeats it would've been amazing. Getting to take control of Toadette in these later episodes is fun, and some of the levels got hard enough that I hit Game-Over a couple times which surprised me by not even being a punishment really, more like giving you a quick pat on the back and a "get back in there" in the form of a bonus to top your lives back up. If you fail a level too many times they'll even give you an optional invincibility mushroom to make sure you aren't stuck for too long, which really made me appreciate how the game is accessible to anyone without relying on an up-front easy /normal difficulty select.

By the time I hit the ending, though, I was getting frustrated by the repetition and (as if to hammer the point home) the ending cutscene is exactly the same as the end of episode cutscenes from the first 2 "episodes" except for a tiny but awful twist that, rather than being any sort of satisfying conclusion, made the whole game feel like a throwaway advert for a bigger game. Out of curiosity I looked up the Wii U version's ending, and that was a bit more digestible because it had more to it and was at least directly linked to a sequel, whereas this time it's just the latest Mario game they need to shift copies of. It feels strange being so cynical about a game that at first oozed playful fun out of everything down to its idle animations but that's how much it felt like a cop-out reusing so much of the game, right down to the final cutscene.

If it wasn't for that ending and the game had finished after episode one I would've rated it highly for sure, and if it had kept that level of creativity up for the latter 3/4s as well it might have been up there as one of those perfect, tight experiences that take one simple idea and explore every facet of it - ending up as one of my favourite games, like Katamari Damacy did. I'm not saying that less is always more (certainly cutting the length down by that much would've made it hard to justify as a full price game) but in this case where the "more" is so much less, I could have done with less more.
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